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ex-Congressman Hamburg arrested for delivering Conyers letter to Blackwell

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garybeck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:13 PM
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ex-Congressman Hamburg arrested for delivering Conyers letter to Blackwell
Dan Hamburg wrote this account of his experience in Ohio last week. It includes an account of meeting Blackwell in an elevator, and speaking directly to him.

He tried to hand deliver the Conyers letter to Blackwell and this is what happened:


The most important issue we face as a nation is election reform. In the 2004 election, 80% of the votes nationwide were counted on machines made by two companies that support the Republican Party, many of which produced no paper trail that could be checked in a recount. There was also documented widespread voter suppression based on race and party affiliation. A bill was introduced in Congress to outlaw the paperless voting machines but the Republican Party prevented the bill from coming to a vote. While Democrats today are trying to figure out what they did wrong, and how to change the party for the future, the real issue is the voting machines and election reform. It is more important that the economy, the war, the environment, health care, taxes, and women's rights. If we do not take back our right to vote and have it counted properly, none of these other issues matter at all and nothing will change. For more information on this important subject see:
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Guarionex Donating Member (371 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. what fascists!
Jesus...they were drinking an Orange Juice! They already had left Blackwell's floor and were just relaxing in the Cafe!

Kick this story...people need to hear of Blackwell's fascist goons....
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LisaL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Unbelievable. Is drinking orange juice now a crime?
I hope they sue. :nuke:
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Nikepallas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:20 PM
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2. Sad day indeed when a Former Congressman is not shown any respect.
but all I can say is it is another example of how freedom of speech is being torn apart by BUSHCO.
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Guarionex Donating Member (371 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:23 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. this is nothing. though...
In Vieques Puerto Rico, U.S. Marshals threw Jesse Jackson and other U.S. COngressmen (mostly Puerto Rican ones from Chicago and Philadelphia) on the floor (Gutierrez I think), and then made them sit in dog kennels in rain for 24 hours, before being sent to Roosevelt Roads Navy Base (now defunct) for processing...

The military sectors of the government have no respect for civilian leaders...and civilian leaders haven't asserted a stance of of these days, the military heads will just overthrow the government and put us in their fascist control.
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:41 PM
Response to Reply #2
11. This just makes me feel sick.
What kind of nuts are these people?
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jamboi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:23 PM
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4. Don't the Greens just rock! ;-) n/t
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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:24 PM
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6. I just forwarded this to AP and asked them to cover the story.
I complained this morning about their use of the term "dissidents" and to my amazement, they changed it to "challengers" in an updated version of the story. What the heck--let's send all of the uncovered voting fraud stories to Someone there may be listening!
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StephanieMarie Donating Member (642 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:32 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. Done
I just wrote the AP and begged them to give "the people" full coverage of all on-going recounts and election fraud investigations.
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jamboi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:20 PM
Response to Reply #6
14. Here's another one to go to AP!!! Link n/t
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jamboi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:32 PM
Response to Reply #14
16. Katrina Sumner, Greene County - followed, run off road
This is where that link goes...

Katrina Sumner, Greene County - followed, run off road

The following has been received in email. The names were included at the express authorization of the senders.

Dear Michael: Forwarded to you is Katrina Sumner's testimony that she emailed me. This is part 1. Part 2 will be sent in a separate email and contains info that intimates that she is being followed. She was one of the two people listed as contacts for the 10 December Press Release regarding the Greene County, Ohio Recount Block by SOS Kenneth Blackwell. She has been extremely active in the recount process here in Montgomery County, Ohio. Read this and then the next email.
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koopie57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:26 PM
Response to Original message
7. I wonder why
the police, security guards, who are just basically average joes would be so smug about doing this type of thing. Blackwell probably doesn't know who they are, could care less who they are and would have had them fired if they 'disobeyed' his orders.
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Gman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:36 PM
Response to Original message
9. This is what happens when you challenge a revolutionary government
intent on keeping power through dictatorial powers. They will do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) necessary to perpetuate the revolution of 2000. They will keep up the facade of "democracy" as long as possible. But when that facade finally crumbles, and the real revolutionary dictatorship is revealed in it's nakedness, they will resort to Soviet Bloc type tactics to keep the people down. That means machine gunning people, torture and everything else that goes on in suppressed countries.

Oh, Gman is just out there ranting some tin foil paranoia. Maybe. But if these people are bold enough to steal 2 United States presidential elections, what won't they do?

This is only the beginning.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:38 PM
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10. Deleted message
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signmike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 10:44 PM
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12. Revenge of the Nerds

"So we left, tails between our legs. But at least we'd been able to confront the man himself and perhaps made him feel a few
moments of discomfort for all the hours of discomfort he helped put the citizens of Ohio through on voting day, not to
mention the four years of discomfort ahead for the country and the world under W. "

This is the problem with Dems as I see it. Wimps. Nerds. Cheney would say "Go fuck yourself" and be counted a hero. Our guys leave with tails between their legs.
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garybeck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:11 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. get real
it was a figure of speech, duh. Cheney is the wimp for avoiding the draft. his comments of "go f--- yourself" is just wimpy name calling.

Hamburg has guts, he got arrested for what he believes in.
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:28 PM
Response to Original message
15. These people are sickos
What in the world is happening in this country?

And when I see the MSM not covering this story, I just want to fucking scream.
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garybeck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 09:42 PM
Response to Original message
17. update
Ohio Secretary of State's Office Responds

12/13/04 - 3:20pm

Carlo LoParo, a spokesperson for Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, contacted this reporter to address comments made in my article from yesterday 12/12/04, 'Strange and suspicious behavior regarding the election and recounts from Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell' - ..

I reported yesterday that the Secreatary issued an order stopping the work of two election volunteers in Greene County and 'locking down' records there and declaring records off limits to the public. According to Mr. LoParo, these actions were not the result of any edict from the state, but were initiated at the county level as a normal part of securing and preparing all materials and records for a recount which has been requested and will be performed in accordance with Ohio law. LoParo said that the Secretary welcomed the scrutiny of the recount.

When asked about the December 8th arrest of former congressman Dan Hamburg, LoParo laughed. 'Hamburg delivered a letter to Secretary Blackwell that had already been delivered a few days before. I didn't see the point of doing that.' LoParo also said that Hamburg had been on the premises, which is a private building several times over the course of a few days, without permission and without going through appropriate building security and was asked to leave on more than one occasion and eventually was arrested. LoParo added that building management has Hamburg and others on video 'roaming the underground parking lot.'

When asked to comment on LoParo's statements regarding him and his arrest, Hamburg, now Executive Director of the non-profit Voice Of The Environment, said that the two letters that LoParo mentions are totally different. The letter that Hamburg gave Blackwell on Monday 'came out of the Saturday Demonstration ...the Wednesday letter was the one from congressman Conyers from the House Judiciary committee.' Hamburg added that the delivery of that letter on Wednesday the 8th of December was symbolic, because that was the date that the House Judiciary Committee's Democrats were conducting their hearings into the Ohio election, hearings to which Secretary Blackwell had been invited but refused to attend either in person or by phone, something to which Hamburg objected. Hamburg also disagrees with Blackwell and any other public official that 'ensconces/shields/isolates themselves in private buildings.' It was to that AND the issues Hamburg has with the Ohio election that he was protesting when he and his wife tempted building security to have them arrested. In fact, when he and his wife were arrested, they were merely enjoying an orange juice at a restaurant just off the main lobby of the building.

Hamburg's account of his arrest is somewhat bolstered by the judge's ruling at his hearing. The judge felt that the infraction did not warrant the charge of criminal trespassing orginally specified by the police, and instead allowed Hamburg and his wife to plead to a lesser misdemeanor charge, gave them time served and sent them on their way.

Getting back to LoParo, he stressed that each county in Ohio has an election board consisting of two Republicans and two Democrats and that each board 'unanimously voted to certify their election results on December 6th.' In many of the cases, LoParo noted, the chairman of these election boards is actually the chairman of the local county Democratic Party. LoParo urged me to contact these Democratic party chairs if I had any doubt as to the conduct of the elections in any of Ohio's 88 county's, including oft discussed Franklin and Hamilton counties.

LoParo's comments regarding these election boards are compelling and seem to put a damper on assertions of fraud. I have calls in to the boards of several counties and will include their comments in future articles. But, it is clear that if the Democrats on these boards do not have objections to their counts, it may be hard for those who suspect the Ohio vote to find support for their assertions

Steven Leser,

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