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"Top 20 Vote Outrages" needed.BEST is lost in tidal wave of info.

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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 08:00 AM
Original message
"Top 20 Vote Outrages" needed.BEST is lost in tidal wave of info.
Edited on Tue Dec-14-04 08:52 AM by oscar111

I see monumental accumulations of facts in the threads of the DU project teams. We need someone to pull up the most outrageous items.
If that's being done, it is not obvious to regular DU readers like me. Needs to be obvious, available.

These top 2O would change as new outrages out-outrage the old ones.

Perhaps the bubbling list of the top 2O could be kept in the Demopedia? Has to be kept where it could constantly change.
--And a constant, prominent "ad" for it on the homepage or somesuch.

IndyOp has seven beautiful ! examples. {i would ask him to shorten each to three lines for Joe Citizen}.
-- A READABLE, CONVINCING summary of Ohio...

--- I would add the
1. Triad tech caught changing parts in the vote machines:
2. Fl cops blocking roads to 2 black precincts:
3. Warren Co. OH counting in secret.
---AngryGirl has a great list of 2O Things-->

Shame to see our best items getting lost in the tidal wave of info. We could convince so many more folks, if we would just keep the BEST outrages on top of the pile somewhere.

Each about three lines, short enough for the harried Joe Citizen to read, each in simple phrases for Everyman.

--Ohio is so important, we need one Top 2O for Ohio... and another Top 2O of outrages from all fifty states, to call for NEW NATIONAL ELECTIONS NOW.

After each List, we might keep an Archive on good old bumped items, and "almost made it's", for activists to scan for personal favorites.

Apologies if the lists exist and i just have missed them somehow.
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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 08:51 AM
Response to Original message
1. no one has re:'ed that such lists exist, so i guess we still need such

Any volunteers, and ideas where to keep a bubbling list here at DU?

IF i had time , i would do the fishing in the massive data.

But i am short on time.

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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 09:05 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. those Team members who compiled the massive lists, might easily do the
first fishing, just from memory of "standouts". "Search" feature would then yield the url needed for the List to be authoritative.

Then, from what they throw on the boat, an editor would cull the best of them into the top 2O.

"almost made it's" would be printed below the list, since the editor might not really pick the very best. Activists would have the time to examine the "almost's" for personal picks to memorize.
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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 09:29 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Weekly flyers need such a "Top 2O" list
brilliant idea posted here at DU,
for a site ... daily kos ... to weekly, put on site a short list of top LW news, for printout and then fliers put up at grocery bulletin boards, etc...

Such a flyer would be great vehicle to get our Top 2O List out to the public.. in addition to Talk shows, LTTE, watercooler debates, emails.

To get better rallys, you need to summarize the tidal wave of info, and get the BEST items to Joe Citizen.
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