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Hey folks, look at the media this way....

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libertypirate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 01:24 PM
Original message
Hey folks, look at the media this way....
The less they report now, the easier it will be to destroy the republican myth of a liberal media.

If they were so damn liberal they would be stoking this fire.

Until people start getting arrested for this they will continue to ignore the smoke, even if they can’t see through it.

Shame on them, but it's not like we can't take advantage.
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proudtobeadem Donating Member (665 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 01:32 PM
Response to Original message
1. That ' what I was saying
that the longer this simmers, the bigger the bang. And the more egg they're going to have on thier faces later. Although that time may not be for a long time :(
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seito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 01:40 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. We have a lot of celebrities on our side, political and otherwise
When the people running the show want it on TV, it will be there.

It is all but obvious now. People in high places have been very methodical in keeping this quiet. It is unfolding according to a carefully thought out plan. As more solid evidence such as the Greene county debacle, and the TRIAD shenanigans surface, there will be a potential for a media explosion.

The pugs underestimated us this time. They never thought we would get this far. They are scared as hell, they know they are going to get caught and they will make more mistakes. Let it simmer. The show will be worth the wait.


No Retreat No Surrender
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Hobbes199 Donating Member (430 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 01:33 PM
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2. Sounds good, but I'll bet it'd get spun a different way.
The term is a misnomer anyway, yet they manage to throw it around only when it suits their needs. As soon as the media would turn on it's heels, it'll be the "Liberal Media" which we should all ignore again.
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Blue_In_AK Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-14-04 01:52 PM
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4. Letter to the editor - Anchorage Daily News
Here's a (sarcastic) letter from this morning's Anchorage Daily News re coverage of the election fraud:

"Thank goodness our Constitution includes a free press to fight fraud"

Whoever said that the war on terror was a contradiction in terms was absolutely right! The fact of the matter is, war is terror.

Prior to the general election, there didn't seem to be a day that this "contradiction in terms" wasn't mentioned in news reports on how the war was going in Iraq. Perhaps that is because the White House held so many press conferences on the issue that it begged the question of whether or not this was actually a foreign policy strategy. If it was, White House staffers weren't all too familiar with Albert Einstein's quote, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Now the general election is over and the state of Ohio is in the middle of a statewide recount of thousands of irregular, untraceable electronic votes. The news media -- our government's unofficial, self-elected fourth branch of government -- is sure to have its hands full reporting on this issue. How ironic it would be if democracy was to prevail and we found ourselves thanking our unofficially elected fourth branch of government for uncovering any election fraud that might have existed.

Election fraud is another form of terrorism. Thank goodness we have the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (a free press) -- a real national treasure -- to help us fight it!

---- Gregory Nothstine


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