Each county has two Democratic election officials that could protest the results according to what someone posted last week. Have any done so? None of these lawsuits and investigations matter if the Democratic Party are going to shirk their responsibilities and pretend like none of the reports of fraud ever happened. I listened to Kerry tell me for months how he was going to have a SWAT team of lawyers ready to contest these very allegations fully, completely, and quickly and yet he refuses to put the spotlight on any of the well-documented cases of manipulation.
I'm starting to feel like if someone steps up with the proof that shows Kerry that he won he'll just ignore it. Why bother with recounts and lawsuits if the guy we're trying to help won't help himself (and, by extension, all of us that supported him).
Yes, I am venting. No, I'm not sorry for it. A lot of people are putting a lot on the line and the Kerry campaign just seems to pay it lip service while the DNC holds conferences on why they're not as good as Karl Rove. It makes me want to puke.