I had to pass on this post from DailyKos (with minor edits) as something we all need to keep in mind when we feel like we're banging our heads against the wall...
Many of us here are innovators. That means we are quirky, cranky, and often wrong, but the source of new ideas that can make a real difference. By the nature of who we are, a lot of people will not care for us very much. Comes with the territory. We make up about 2.5% of any population.
Most of the rest of us here on DU probably fall into the next 13.5% of the population called Early Adopters. We keep up to date with the work of the innovators, but don't jump on board until the innovators have something really bright and shiny that works. Then we get really interested.
The next 34% of a population (that gets us to 50%, for those who are counting) is made up of people labeled by the great researcher Everett Rogers as the Early Majority. They are not innovators, and they don't even get into the details of the bright and shiny new ideas the way Early Adopters do. But, they do pay attention to the Early Adopters, trusting them to filter out kooky ideas that don't work. The Early Adopters, once you win them, become the "tipping point" to help you win over the Early Majority. Once the Early Majority people see the Early Adopters line up, then they start to get on board.
The next 34% of the population is made up of the Late Majority, or what I call the "Skeptical Guardians," because they "guard" the traditional, familiar way of doing things. They like the old way and are a little unconfortable with newfangled ideas and practices, but once the other three groups line up, and if the new idea is well developed, they will stop interfering. They may never love the new way, but once their objections are met (often over and over again), they stop resisting change.
The remaining 16% of a population is made up of what Rogers called, in what I think is an unfortunate phrase, Laggards. I call them Confirmed Traditionalists. The name more or less speaks for itself. You'll never win these people over, so don't bother. When a new idea infiltrates everyone else, they may salute it out of compliance, but they will never love it.