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Votergate is NOT Harris's film - it is being produced by some good people

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symbolman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 05:39 AM
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Votergate is NOT Harris's film - it is being produced by some good people
Edited on Wed Dec-15-04 05:44 AM by symbolman
I'd like to set something straight here, at least on the DU, and if someone can spread the word around to Randi, and some others, I'd appreciate that as well.

In the interest of fairness I'd like to make the confession that I know for a fact that the Votergate film that has been promoted by BBV.ORG (not the one that she is dissing, another Votergate film) is NOT associated with BBV.ORG

They are from Britain, making their film and producing it themselves after having done a bang up job of getting the word out in England on ITV - something like a 14 minute piece on our elections, and the electronic voting scene..

I talked to the producer, who called me at home (scary how people can find you) and we jawed for nearly two hours about the whole KO situation, the "bursting" into the Retirement Party by Harris, Wynne (?) and Andy as well as other sundries, like WHY there were TWO Votergate films, one of which was being publicly dissed by Bev Harris and other members of her cult. (In case you don't think I like her, you are barking up the right tree.)

Russell Michaels is producing Votergate in association with Teale Productions and Earl Katz of Public Interest Pictures.

All of these people are fine folks who don't deserve to be pilloried along with her - she is a PART Of their movie, and not ALL of it.

And tho has made a film about this subject also (called "Electile Dysfunction" and now selling as a Premium on we think that there are more than one hat, or blender or car in the world and so variety is the spice of life..

I think the more voices the better, and the more information passed along the more we ALL stay on message about this hijack of our country by electronic means, and we DO NEED to STAY ON MESSAGE HERE.

If you look up Earl Katz (and I talked to him briefly a few weeks ago, knowing NOTHING of his illustrious resume' - so of course I sounded like an idiot to him I am sure) you will find that he is a GREAT Humanitarian who has done nothing but GOOD for the Progressive Movement and People worldwide.

A good man. All good people by my standards.

While Russell Michael and I disagreed on both our personal views and the Media's "perception" of Bev Harris's "shenigans" or "virtues" (you have to chose one, there is no middle ground allowed - kidding) - we did agree that she was part and parcel of the story of Electronic Voting in the USA - there is no denying that.

(There's no denying that the DU is also part and parcel, or David Allen or Eloriel, or a host of others as well)

Where we diverged is that I believe that Bev Harris was "staging stunts" - voter activism stunts because cameras were there - it's called "chewing up the scenery" on the stage and it's my opinion that marching into the Retirement Party of LePore (a vile creature) to "serve" her with a "courtesy" copy of legal papers already served by someone else early in the day was grandstanding for the camera. By Bev, FOR Notoriety which in the future could bring donations to her once the film sold, and of course would help sell the film.. the cycle of marketing is a wonderous creature, eh?

But Michael explained that Votergate cameras were not allowed in the room - so that left only Wynne (?) (the one that turned her camera on the pissed off crowd and said, "this is what democracy looks like..") to film the event.

SO the Producer of Votergate was NOT filming.. interestingly enough, Harris later said SHE did not own that footage (and I believe this is what KO wanted to show on his program), that Votergate owned it, then said, it was in LA for editing, then said, she had given it to local NBC affiliates who ran it (after an admitted 40 mile cab ride - way to spend that donated money, Bev - ever heard of renting a car?) LOCALLY in Florida.

I got ONE story from the Producer, and that's how I like it, not 25 scenarios that refute each other.. He said that the footage had been "firewired" directly into his camera ON THE SPOT.

It looked like they did that a lot, he admitted to me that there had been TWO episodes at the Volusia Poll place (the garbage scene), that they had not been there for the first one (which meant that WYNNE (?) had filmed that - was that firewired into Votergate cameras later? Dunno, assume so - then it went off to LA or FLA? Dunno, sounded like it from Harris.

Votergate cameras did not show up at the Volusia garbage bag punching rodeo until a few hours later, but then STILL wanted to check the trash bins, as they saw people running out with trash while standing there..

There was some confusion also about what "tapes" people were talking about.. there were both VIDEO tapes and POLL tapes being talked about, and so that got mixed up in some minds both here on the DU and maybe even on her site.

Michael swore that Bev Harris and the others did not know that it was a Reunion, and I believe HIM. I don't believe THEM.

He swore that none of this was scripted for effect and I believe HIM but not THEM once again.

We have even made the offer for him to send us a trailer of his film to put at the end of our DVD so as to promote his work as well - he didn't exactly make the same offer as he has professional standards to maintain and he hasn't seen our film so I respect him for it.

But I wanted to make sure that people know that Bev is NOT the film company - she's in my opinion creating conflict, knowing the camera will love it, but the director is Not directing her to do it.

A distinction. Many things get blurred once you fall into the belly of the beast called the Media - I know, been on O'Reilly, Joe Scarborough twice, Lou Dobbs, etc.. it can get wierd, and sometimes yout think, "Jeez, one little stunt and I would be famous and could A: do more good, or B: get ho's and money C: be called a fraud and lose my credibility, etc..

Like I said, I don't like Bev. I don't like what she's done to people (Especially Andy, who I feel is a little too much "out there" for my taste, but what she did to him I wouldn't do to a DOG..)

I don't like what some people have become, so riddled with hope that they'll buy into anything, ANYTHING to get some relief.. their brains seize up, their emotions boil out, they refute others who try to convince them with actual posts or footage, whatever.. it reeks of HATE and I don't support that..

It almost feels like we are dealing with a republican at times, some of the manipulation, strawman arguements, red herrings, etc.. straight out of the Republican totebag of how to control other humans.

But I can't let this connection go on - I know the truth about the movie Production and Bev Harris and the truth should come out.

And I think there is no better time to make the distinction than now. So tell Randi if you will, or Malloy or the Hoffmania blog, etc - the connection is only that they are making a movie and she will be in it.

Michael said to me, "If nothing else, to people in our country to see a retired grandmother become such a ferverent activist and try so hard is something that everyone should see.."

Can't argue with that.. :)

Michael asked me if I got a shot at going on KO's show would I clear this all up about his film and Bev Harris - and I told him, "Well, no.. I'd talk about our movie instead.." he laughed.

But please go out and buy our film, ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION (at for another viewpoint, filled with my animations, a fun, entertaining, and educational DVD.

Thanks for your support. Now you know.
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billie_ Donating Member (617 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 06:04 AM
Response to Original message
1. Thanks for clearing up the confusion...
good luck with the theater premieres and i will be buying the DVD

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UL_Approved Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 06:15 AM
Response to Original message
2. So, umm, is the Bev Harris info real or not?
I understand the fact that there are different videos, and that Bev is having horrible staff troubles brought on by herself, but is her information valid? Is is pertinent to voter fraud?
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SomthingsGotaGive Donating Member (485 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 06:47 AM
Response to Original message
Bev says the Votergate people own the Dumpster diving tapes NOT the retirement shenanigans.

Ask him if he has them.

If he does release a freakin screen-shot or still already.
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 06:53 AM
Response to Original message
4. For the record
I distinctly recall Bev urging people to give their donations to instead of BBV, saying that they "needed the money a lot more".
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mom cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 10:51 AM
Response to Reply #4
13. I remember that too. Thanks for pointing it out. n/t
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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 06:54 AM
Response to Original message
5. Thank you Symbolman.
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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 08:03 AM
Response to Original message
6. thanks for the info - :-) may it all work out for good.

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DTinAZ Donating Member (325 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 09:26 AM
Response to Original message
7. the "other" Votergate film?
I've seen repeated mention of two Votergate films...the one you're talking about here and the "other" one, which uses footage that was supposedly "misappropriated" from the *real* folks.

However, I've never seen anyone mention where the "other" one is...might it be the one at:

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helderheid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 10:48 AM
Response to Reply #7
11. I have the same question
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 09:42 AM
Response to Original message
8. Thanks, Symbolman for being really "fair about this" and clearing up
points that were confusing some of us.

the "Votergate I" film was good enough to convince a couple of my friends who are Repugs who voted for Kerry, that our votiing system is screwed. Both of these friends worked hard to convince fellow friends and family members to vote for Kerry so they were really upset when Kerry conceded and were ready to bolt back to Bush. When I sent them the link to the vidio online, they were ready to spread the message because they were so impressed with Bev and the way the video explained the problem. They could understand for the first time how the "machines" could be hacked.

To see the wars on DU and all the bitterness and trashing got overwhelming. I was embarrassed I had sent the "Votergate I" link to my friends for fear that Bev was being outed as a looney with no credibility. We don't need that when most of us are already fighting for our credibility. For those of us who did convince folks about what was going on to have to say OOPS forget BBVoting that woman was a fraud was just too much. I wonder when Fox News will start discrediting the whole BBVoting saying the Democrats have already discredited the "Grandmother" who got people to work on it. Not Good...even though Bev had brought it on herself.

You've cleared up some points. Thanks for doing that. :-)'s
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rockedthevoteinMA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 09:53 AM
Response to Original message
9. Thank you symbolman - newbie here and was getting really
confused. Thanks for clearing this all up, in a very diplomatic way. :hi:
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symbolman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 10:38 AM
Response to Original message
10. Don't get the idea that I think that Bev Harris
has any credibility, in my opinion she's crapped the bed..

BUT, no use throwing out the baby with the bathwater, the FILM Votergate is still a valid film (tho I may be stupid for touting competition ) :)

I just want to be fair..

as for some of the footage, she's using what I consider "weasle words" as to WHO owns it to get out of releasing it..

I want to see it too!

Not her to slam her, tho in my opinion she has it coming, Randi on the radio today did her duty for all those who donated to Harris..

I'm the wrong guy to be fair about this, but just reporting the facts as received by who I consider honorable :)
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yowzayowzayowza Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 10:50 AM
Response to Reply #10
12. Thx for clearing that up.
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helderheid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 10:52 AM
Response to Reply #10
14. Which is the "real" votergate? or
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Blue in the face Donating Member (210 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 10:54 AM
Response to Original message
15. Why haven't they taken this to the media?!?!?
Regardless of whether this is a "good guy" or not, why is he sitting on these tapes when parts of them could be given to the media to help break this story?

If Votergate released some of it's Volusia footage, Bev would be forced to come clean with what she has too. For you to castigate her for using her info for private gain, but excuse Votergate TV for doing the same is a bit of a double standard, IMHO.

I sent an email, but never heard back. I urged Votergate TV to release part of it's video to show the MSM that there are real issues here, not conspiracy theories. I don't see what good it does for anyone- not Bev Harris, not VotergateTV or anyone else documenting election fraud, to sit on what they purport to be explosive information.

I don't know why we can't have both a tape released in it's entirety and press releases showing part of what they found. What good does it do to release this video privately in 6 months or whatever? If this video has information that could lead to this issue being blown wide open, I think it is in the best interest's of anyone who cares about Democracy to get this out NOW.

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symbolman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:02 PM
Response to Reply #15
16. dunno
I don't control them.. just talked to them.. maybe there isn't anything more explosive than video of people having a tug of war with garbage bags which you could see on any street corner in a ghetto..

maybe the back of LePore's head and a bunch of Repugs (who look like normal folks dressed for a Retirement party screaming "Animals!" and such while someone (WYNNE?) says something stupid like..

"this is what Democracy looks like.." which is so tired and cliche and works at a rally but not there..

frankly I thought what they did was dorky and selfserving and did nothing for the movement whatsoever..

maybe take it up with and see what they say to you..

Let me know what you find out.. I DO KNOW there was a round robin, "I don't have the tape, maybe HE has the tape, that went from Bev to Wynn? to the VOtergate and back to Bev.. so that NO ONE owned the tapes that KO wanted..

seen that before in Repig scenes..

"I didn't torture anyone, ask that lawyer.." "I didn't torture anyone, go ask Rummy" "I didn't torture anyone, go ask that soldier over there with the arm in his hand.." and so it goes, on and one and soon you realise that it's not

BART SIMPSON and that SOMEONE did it or has it..

and it gets old..
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Blue in the face Donating Member (210 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 01:07 PM
Response to Reply #16
18. I tried bringing it up in an email
I tried doing a search of their site registration, but they don't keep records on .tv websites.

I would gladly ask why they haven't released even the garbage bag tug-of-war. Even that is big enough news for the MSM to get the hint that something is wrong. And you're right, the retirement party video is useless in the MSM. It has to be about the election, not about personal attacks on election officials.

Can you PM me with the phone number you called? I will certainly call them when I get home from running errands in a couple of hours.
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symbolman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 11:16 PM
Response to Reply #18
19. I don't have the number
he called me out of the blue - don't know why he picked ME of all people.. :)
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Blue in the face Donating Member (210 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-16-04 12:25 AM
Response to Reply #19
20. Do you have any other contacts who might help?
I am serious. I think I'm pretty representative of the mainstream DU'r. I don't have any expertise in computers, statistics or graphics, but I still have an opinion and I want to help with more than just money that I really didn't have to begin with. I would love the opportunity to ask someone who wants more of my money why I should give it to someone who is trying to make money off an issue I care about, rather than working, like I am, to get this issue out to as many people as quickly as possible.

I've spoken with Bev and Jeff Fisher and think that I am a capable enough person of being able to think for myself. I got a bad feeling after talking with both of them that our movement was being guided by the wrong people. My impression, and I only have anectdotal evidence to back my point up, is that we have tons of sincere, concerned citizens. But they are being taken advantage of by politicians and opportunists.

Kerry and the Dems and the GOP are being typical politicians, dancing around the issue. The opportunists are the ones who have info or who are making it up in order to further their own agenda, whatever it is.

I don't have time for the politicians nor the opportunists. I want a leader who can coerce both to work toward the same purpose and expose the fraud that we know is out there.

I'm ready to get flamed now.
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MarkusQ Donating Member (516 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:09 PM
Response to Original message
17. NO ONE should be "making a documentary" when they could be helping
What would you think of someone who carefully recorded a rape being commited but did not notify the police or try to stop it?

Because that's exactly what we have happening here.


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