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Buzzflash: "Theft of the Election, Redux."

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sabra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 09:39 AM
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Buzzflash: "Theft of the Election, Redux."

Why 2000 was Prelude to 2004 -- and the Democratic Party Got Mugged a Second Time.


In case you missed it, an exhaustive 23,422-word Vanity Fair article, published just prior to the election (October), spilled the beans that at least four of the five Supreme Court justices who stole the election from Al Gore did it with willing forethought. And the fifth, Justice Kennedy, who came up with the hypocritical, convoluted reason for awarding the election to Bush, was probably just pretending to be "open-minded."

In short, the story, the first one to reveal the inside machinations of the infamous decision of 2000, confirmed that this wasn't a judicial decision that decided the election 4 years ago; it was a premeditated theft of democracy from the American voters.


It is no wonder that so many have forgotten that four years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States put the nails in the coffin of democracy. It occurred in the darkness of a winter Washington night on Tuesday, December 12th, with an unprecedented 10 PM decision release that elected George W. Bush president by a vote of 5-4.

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sabra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 09:43 AM
Response to Original message
1. Another good point:
"The Bush rogue regime was born a bastard child by a fixed Supreme Court vote and now controls the process by which any investigation of voting irregularities would be pursued. Indeed, Ken Blackwell, one of the two key Rove 2004 Katherine Harrises (along with Florida Secretary of State Hood), wrote Congressman John Conyers just this week that only the Department of Justice or the GAO had the authority to investigate voting in Ohio. So, two agencies under the Republicans, who Blackwell has just declared the winner of the Presidency, are the only ones Blackwell would allow to investigate their victory. It's a tactic worthy of Stalin -- and the Bush Cartel is one terrorist attack short of achieving full dictatorship powers, while the nation sleeps. "
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enough Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:49 PM
Response to Original message
2. This is an EXCELLENT article.
It's almost unbearable to read -- so discouraging -- but is full of the truth that we must face.

Thanks for posting this.
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sabra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 01:06 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Thanks, and I agree that it was very hard to take it all in... n/t
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bmoney07 Donating Member (304 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:52 PM
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3. Read it and it makes me sicker than i was in 2000
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