I've had the wonderful fortune of watching BBV develop with the immense help of this fantastic forum. It proved to me that Democratic Underground in it's activists mode is a very, very powerful force on the Internet. Make no mistake, without the help of DU and it's members, BBV IMHO would not exist today. From the technical input by brilliant DU members, to simple emails (in the thousands) to politicians and the media, DU pushed BBV to where it is today.
Now.... there ain't no doubt that Bev Harris led the way with her hard work and devotion. Members, including myself believed that she was the conduit that would expose the serious potential for Vote fraud with the Black Box. Whatever we dug up we got it to Bev and she put it out there. She recruited the very best minds in software code, she contacted the media, and she put herself at great risk with the unveiling of this corrupt new way of recording our most cherished gift ,THE VOTE!
BUT something happened along the way. Some call it incompetence and some call it greed.
Was I troubled when she joined forces to Qui Tam Diebold with some dude in California (the same dude who called DU members a bunch of Commies),errr yeah.... Was I troubled for what she did to plan9_pub/David, uhh yeah.... Was I troubled when I saw activists who were with Bev and BBV from the very beginning, falling by the wayside, ...AND each one of them repeating the same tale of how Bev screwed them at the end.... Yeah...yeah...yeah...
All that and I still believed in Bev Harris... That was until I read on her web site what she and her supposed Board Members wrote about Andy Stephenson. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong about Andy, but Andy's always been one of my most favorite DUers. I always thought that if Andy's still hanging with Bev then every things OK.
What was written about Andy on BBV.ORG was one of the most unprofessional things that I've ever read in my lifetime. It was as if it was written by a petulant little child who was suddenly off her meds. It was a rant unworthy of an organization that is trying desperately to hang on to any credibility that it may still have.
I notice now that the rant has been pulled from BBV.ORG. The meds must have kicked in. Thanks god for screen shots. (down below)
I'll close with this comment. I will not join the bandwagon members who jump on every Bev thread and disco in the Bev Bash. I simply will ignore those threads and unfortunately from now on, I'll sadly ignore Bev Harris.