The hand recount in Washington State has so far uncovered more votes for Rossi than for Christine Gregoire, his Dem opponent. Yet Mr. Rossi continues to cry like a little baby about what he calls "extra" votes that they keep finding in King County:
Rossi said Tuesday the newly discovered ballots should be thoroughly investigated.
“We believe if you do a fair and honest recount, we win,” he said.
“It’s just too much of a coincidence. They just keep coming up with votes, and it has never benefited me,” Rossi said. “We’re not going to take anything lying down, I’ll guarantee you that.”(taken from
The votes in King County that he is talking about are VALID and LEGAL votes, postmarked by November 2nd. Dino Rossi wishes nothing less than to deny these nearly 600 votes their right to vote, because he is afraid that in doing so, he may lose the election.
I know that all many of you here are focused (rightly so) on the Ohio recount, but please help us out in here in Washington State, we don't need another right winger in the top state office anywhere!
Email Dino Rossi right now and flood their servers with messages telling Rossi shut up and let the votes speak!
Mailing Address:Rossi for Governor
15100 SE 38th Street, #715
Bellevue, WA 98006
Physical Address:
330 - 112th Ave NE, Suite 301
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone Numbers:Phone: 425.646.7202
Fax: 425.646.7207
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