We all know Blackwell committed several crimes involved in suppression of the votes and suppression of election information. So why isn't he being punished? If we want to get election fraud out into the public than we need to insist on his arrest! The media will follow.
I know Congressman Conyers just asked the FBI to get involved about the TRIAD machines, and of course their is Arnebeck's lawsuit. But what can we do? Who can we contact to express our concerns about having a criminal in office? Do we need to contact the Ohio Attorney General? The FBI?
I know several of you will think this is not a good idea. We as individuals cannot possibly help this cause. But I must remind you that we have accomplished a lot with emails, phone calls, and faxes in the past few months. Some of the instances in which bloggers have asserted their influence include:
1)The Sinclair broadcasting fiasco resulting in the company limiting their Kerry bash story, 2)Nader getting involved with the New Hampshire recount. In fact, if you recall he informed D.U. to lay off the faxes, he got the hint. 3) Ohio Recount getting started with the Green party 4)CountDown with Olberman starting and continuing to discuss election fraud. His ratings have increased since he has been involved with blogs. 5) C-Span mentioning that they've received several calls and emails about fraud during an interview with Cliff Arnebeck 6)The judiciary committee getting involved which included Mr. Conyers just today stating kindly that they do not want us emailing them anymore 7)Blackwell's fax and voice mail jammed with angry messages about requiring birth dates on provisional ballots which resulted in him dropping this requirement.
O.K., O.k., so many of these instances seem that we created a thorn in these individuals sides. They dealt with our issues to get rid of us. But, the point is, we have made a difference. Regardless, of what certain individuals are saying. We need to continue this persistence until we get to the bottom of this election mess.
Therefore, I believe our next effort should be to get Blackwell behind bars. If we all work on this together we can make it happen! So, legal experts who do we need to put pressure on? Also, any ideas on the best route to get this accomplished?