John F. Kerry is a true American patriot that loves his country and respects and will fight for the rights of all Americans even those who disagree with him. He is a man with a heart the size of Texas and the strength and knowledge to be a great leader. He is a man of intelligence that can see all sides of an issue and can incorporate all available data be for he makes a decision. He is contemplative and thorough. He is a a man with the rare qualities we need in our political environment today. John Kerry is in fact the right man, at the right place, at the right time.
John Kerry knows exactly what he is doing and doesn't need a bunch of armchair quarterbacks that have elected themselves god, judge, and jury trying to tell him how to do his job. If all the armchair quarterbacks that are so quick to judge this man know so much more than he does, can do everything so much better than he has and continues to try to do, and have such great ideals that can get such great results so much quicker then why are you not the presidential candidate? why are you not a senator? Why are you not out there putting your brainy know it all judgmental asses to work for your country and the American people. Why haven't you dedicated your whole life to serving your country trying to help those that are less fortunate? It is to sit back and pass judgment on a man it is another to walk a mile in his shoes.
It is ridiculous to be passing judgment on a man when you don't know the whole story and don't have all the facts. Until you have seen and heard all the evidence you cannot come out with a fair and accurate verdict and you sure as hell can't convict.
Because Kerry hasn't ran out in front of the TV cameras screaming FRAUD, FRAUD, and dance a crazy jig for the media, repugs, and those who are paranoid as hell and cannot except the fact that everything in this world is stark black and white, doesn't mean that he is not working just as hard as anyone else on the issues that are facing all of us. Now I know if this man can bring down investigate and bring down BCCI in seven countries and served indictments for grand larceny, bribery, and money laudering this man can investigate and bring down the assholes behind the fraud.
Now how many of you that are so quick to judge this man have ever even come close to an accomplishment as great as this? And don't act like it is nothing or that it happen so far in the past the man has lost his touch because first off he has since this case helped with other great things and the actual year BCCI was shut down was 1991. And the man put the people of this country before his political career to bring down BCCI. So to say that all the man is worried about now is his political career and not the people who supported him is ridiculous. Because this is a man that has proven he will do what is best for this country and the American people before he worries about his own career.
Kerry will come out when he has what it takes to bring these assholes down. He will not come out before regardless of what others want him to do. He knows what he is doing. Kerry is smart enough to know when he does come out with guns blazing that he has to have enough ammo to bring the enemy down quick and not give them a chance to fire back. This is bigger than just overturning a presidential election. Because if something isn't done to bring down the assholes that committed fraud, and in the right way to where they don't just get a slap on the wrist, and in fact face fail or prison time over this then you have accomplished nothing.
Kerry knows this and will not quit until the fraud issue is taken care of and this broken election process we have is fixed. Does this mean Kerry doesn't want to win the election? Hell No it doesn't this man wanted to win this election more than anyone. Has he quit trying to get the evidence it would take to overturn it? Hell no he hasn't again this man wanted to win this more than anyone. So why is he not screaming bloody murder about all this? Kerry knows without enough proof to overturn the election there is no since in all the screaming yet. And this man is just as pissed as anyone else over this. But Kerry realizes that unless he can overturn it he needs not to come out till they get what they have to have to prosecute the assholes behind this shit.
Kerry understands this is not only about him and he has to do what is right for the American people. He knows if they don't get to the bottom of this now more Senate and House seats will be stolen in 2006. He understands what the hell has to be done here. He also understands that if they cannot get what they have to have to turn this election by Jan 6 that this has to get fixed and quick. Because as of now we all know the repukes control the House and Senate and if they don't get this election process fixed before the 2006 that there will be No chance in getting enough Democratic senators and congressmen to have a chance at impeachment of the evil bastard that is claiming he has a mandate and trying to destroy us and our country. Kerry hasn't given up on nothing. He is working his ass off just as others to solve this whole mess. But Kerry isn't the only one in this fight and instead of eating our own we should be working as a team to destroy the neocons. The bigger the team the better.