GWB & rovey & the lot are trying to distract the lawyers from their pursuit and investigation of the election irregularities. Smoke & mirrors boys and girls.
Bush Wants New Congress to Limit Lawsuits
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush said on Wednesday he expects the new Congress to limit economy-damaging lawsuits by passing curbs on class action, asbestos injury and medical malpractice cases.
``I intend to take a legislative package to Congress which says, we expect the House and Senate to pass meaningful liability reform on asbestos, on class action, and medical liability,'' Bush told a White House economic conference.
The cost of litigation in America, Bush said, was making it more difficult to compete against other countries economically. Legal reform was a cornerstone of any good economic expansion program, he said.
``I am passionate on this subject,'' he said, adding that he would make it a ``priority issue,'' starting with his State of the Union address to Congress early next year. (link at the LBN thread below, I am not registered.)
This news coverage and WH press for immediate adoption for tort reform legislation serves two purposes, it is an attempt to distract the lawyers involved in the efforts to prove election fraud and make them change their focus to lobbying against the legislation (e.g. "if you drop the election fraud pursuit, we won't support the legislation") and it gives a reason for the weed to whine to the public that they only reason those trial lawyers are trying to sue him over the election is because of his tort reform stance. :cry:
Distraction, distraction, distortion, attack!