We need a coalition of all progressive groups in our fight against election fraud '04:
"Nico Haupt of 911.Skeptics.blogspot.com has been pondering plans for a "Grand Coalition" between the 9/11 Truth Movement and the e-voting activist movement.
Among those Nico suggests for inclusion are: Bob Fitrakis, fairnessbybeckerman.blogspot.com, Lynn Landes, Marc Crispin Miller, Buzzflash, linkcrusader.com, Ballotintegrity.org, votescam.com, truemajority.org, breakfornews.com, EFF.org, commoncause.org, verifiedvoting.org, helpamericarecount.org, save-democracy.net, Members of democraticunderground.com: Eloriel, Ladyhawk, TruthIsAll etc.., Chuck Herrin, Thom Hartman, Lou Posner (stolenelection2004.com), dtmagazine.com, defendtherecount.org, nvri.org, H. Hartus, Mark Elsis (loveearth.net, standdown.net), Jesse Jackson, Jerry Nadler, Cliff Arnebeck, David Cobb (US Greens), John Conyers, Keith Olbermann, Michael Meacher, PRAVDA, UC Berkeley, David Suskind and anyone from the UKRAINE!!"