A brief recap of todays voter events.
And you thought it was all over, well it's not. The swiftboat vets are back in the spotlight.
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041216/ap_on_go_co/miller_swift_boat&cid=512&ncid=2043http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041216/ap_on_el_pr/bush_kerry_managers&cid=694&ncid=2043They are being honored by Zel and surprisingly, by Kerry's campaign manager Mary-Beth Cahill. What an odd time to be resurrecting the swift vets. Didn't we just have a lawsuit thrown out?
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041216/ap_on_el_pr/ohio_vote&cid=694&ncid=2043Well not exactly, turns out it was just a stall, but excellent headline. I guess the fact that they even bothered to mention the story is good enough.
I just worry about those swift vets popping up just when Kerry is coming back into the spotlight. Nah, nothing to see here.
Also. OBL is back for round 2. Geez, we don't here from him for the longest time and now we can't get enough of this guy. I mean this guy is like Aerosmith. Just when you think they're dead, they come out with a smash hit.
http://story.news.yahoo.com/fc?cid=34&tmpl=fc&in=World&cat=Osama_bin_Laden_and_al_QaidaYou know, the conspiracy nuts don't really like this guy at all. They keep trying to blame 9/11 on him. Did you read this,
"In that statement, he for the first time clearly took responsibility for the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States and said America could avoid another such strike if it stopped threatening the security of Muslims."
Yes and I was the 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll. Oh they make me laugh.
It also seems like Iraq will definitely get to have elections as well. Yes, dear friends in Iraq, we are going to show you how to have an election, baby. Just you wait. Believe us, your vote will matter. Whooo... Yeah.... Okayyyy.... No seriously, it will, I mean, really.
The real bummer for the election fraud people came from a different source.
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=509&ncid=509&e=15&u=/ap/20041216/ap_on_bi_ge/hershey_pricesYes, Hershey's raising prices for chocolate. Those fuckin Nazi fascists. They know what happens between me and a bag of Hershey kisses. It's late at night, the kids are down, and it's just me, a canvass report or two and my sweet bag of Kisses. They think they are so good, I'll do anything? Well, they're wrong. Mostly. I probably won't like ever buy them again, most likely not.
Michael Lewis