Arnebeck has repeatedly mentioned Clermont, Butler and Warren. I think because of the following:
Ellen Connally, an African-American supreme court candidate running an underfunded race won a greater percentage of votes in her race than John Kerry did in his in many Ohio counties. Kerry, as the presidential candidate should have a higher percentage than Connally because most voters have the priority of casting a vote for president. Connally ran better than Kerry in areas where she wasn't known and did not campaign!
There were 15 Ohio counties where Connally’s margin was 5,000 votes or more better than Kerry’s unofficial results: Auglaize, Butler, Clermont, Darke, Delaware, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Licking, Mercer, Miami, Putnam, Shelby, Stark, and Warren. All 15 counties use voting systems by ES&S (10 counties) or by Triad (5 counties). Both companies have ties with the Republican party.
In the 15 counties in which the Connally margin is 5,000 better than Kerry's, Connally's margin exceeded Kerry's by 190,437 votes.
Kerry Supports Ohio Vote Investigation, Jackson says, November 28, 2004.
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Cuyahoga County is not one of the Triad counties -- Triad covers many of the medium and small counties (population-wise).
Triad provides punch card machines and the computer program that tallies the punch-card ballots in the centralized counting systems used in 41 counties in Ohio. ES&S provides equipment for 39 counties, Diebold has 2 counties, MicroVote another couple. ES&S provides punch card, optical scan, and touchscreen machines.
In the 47 counties in Ohio that do NOT use Triad punch card machines Kerry won about 101,506 more votes than Gore did in 2000 (an average of 2,160 per county). In contrast, in the 41 counties using Triad punch card voting systems John Kerry got 13,369 votes fewer votes than expected, an average of 326 fewer per county.
If the Triad counties had voted similarly to all the other counties combined, there would have been a net of 2,486 extra Kerry votes per each of the 41 counties, providing a net Kerry gain of 101,926 extra net Kerry votes.
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