This is "politichic" first diary at dKos. For those of you who have ability to recommend diaries, it would be a supportive gesture to support it. I've included the details here for those who do not have time to read the full diary and comments at dKos. Peace. "When Did Bush Know?" &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/17/114647/65#2by politichic
Fri Dec 17th, 2004 at 08:46:47 PST
On Wednesday, Shanikka's diary http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/15/9734/4841 about Black voter disillusionment and what it means to the future of the Democratic party really rocked the world of dKos. It looks like any Democratic Senator with the slightest idea of running for president in 2008 better be willing to stick his or her neck out in support of disenfranchised voters, if he or she has the slightest prayer of capturing the vote of Black Americans. I suggest a letter writing campaign to any Dem senator who has appeared on anyone's wish list, with an attachment of Shanikka's marvelous diary. Ask them, for the sake of a viable future possible candidacy, to speak out on January 6 against deliberate vote suppression and on behalf of fair elections. There's a list below the fold.
Diaries :: politichic's diary :: Here's the list, adapted from http://www.100towatch.com, with help from Wikipedia, of Democratic senators who have been mentioned as potential candidates to run for president in 2008. Contact information is available at http://capwiz.com/thehill/home/. It might be a good idea to fax the letters if possible, as there is not much time left, the senators will be home for the holidays, and (it is said that) faxed letters garner more attention than e-mails.
Evan Birch Bayh, Indiana Joe Biden, Delaware Barbara Boxer, California Maria Cantwell, Washington Hillary Clinton, New York Christopher Dodd, Connecticut Byron Dorgan, North Dakota Richard Durbin, Illinois Russ Feingold, Wisconsin Dianne Feinstein, California Tom Harkin, Iowa Jim Jeffords (Independent), Vermont John Kerry, Massachusetts (oh, well) Mary Landrieu, Louisiana Patrick Leahy, Vermont Carl Levin, Michigan Joe Lieberman, Connecticut (no way) Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas Barbara Ann Mikulski, Maryland Zell Miller, Georgia (they've got to be kidding) Patricia Murray, Washington Bill Nelson, Florida Jay Rockefeller, West Virginia Charles Schumer, New York Debbie Stabenow, Michigan Ronald Lee Wyden, Oregon