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If Munro thinks its cool for WA; let's make it happen for the USA

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 05:09 PM
Original message
If Munro thinks its cool for WA; let's make it happen for the USA

"Former Secretary of State Ralph Munro, a key supporter of Republican Dino Rossi during the contentious recounts in Washington's race for governor, says it may be time to toss out all of the votes and do the election over. Munro, who oversaw the state's elections system for 20 years before retiring in 2000, said a new vote is probably the only way to restore voter confidence and get a clear winner."

"This thing could just degenerate and spiral downward," Munro said yesterday. "Whoever eventually becomes governor is going to have a very hard time governing, and we're going to go through four years of flopping around."


Precisely, Mr Munro. And, what you suggest is what all our fellow citizens should be demanding on 6 Jan 2005, for the leadership of our Nation.

You ask why? Let me tell you.

And, hint, hint - I'm just one of thousands of voices who are already saying, and more importantly doing whatever it will take to make a re-vote happen, nation-wide, in early 2005, for President and Vice President of the United States of America.

What motivated all of us American patriots to defend our franchise, our Constitution?

Well, Mr Munro, many of us have spent considerable time since the failed national election of 2000 learning what really happened.

And, what we've learned is spectacularly well summarized by a fellow patriot, Shanikka, in a message she shared with many of us earlier this week. The message was titled "Folks Don't Get It."

I urge you to read it, and, as you can see below, I've included a reference to it in a letter I'm asking you, and all those whom you know, to send to our Congressional representatives.

Mr Munro we `have not election'; our `more perfect union' is close to annihilation; the issue is not Kerry or Bush, the issue is no reasonable citizen has any basis in knowledge, in fact, in reality to accept the current national election process.

We have seen our fellow citizens disenfranchised; we have used voting devices that provide zero verification to the citizen that their vote is counted as they intended.

We have no election, Mr Munro.

We have no election Senator Kerry.

We have no election Mr Bush.


So, Mr Munro (and anyone else who happens to read this), I'm asking you to join us in our effort to save our American franchise of democracy. I'm asking you to copy sign and send the following letter to every member of the 109th US Congress and fax it to their local offices not just to their DC office:

Dear __,

Having reflected, all day, on the exceptional dKos Diary "Folks Don't Get It" by shanikka, my resolve to see the 'national election of 2004' halted on 6 Jan 2005 transformed to "do or die."

You should read what she had to say and what it elicited from others:

I have sent the following message to several colleagues and want to share it with you so you can know what to expect and why we are corresponding with you now.

We are requesting that millions of our fellow citizens be in DC on 6 Jan 2005.

We will join, together on that day, with you and all responsible members of the HR and the Senate and together we will halt the fraudulent national election of 2004.

We will halt demonstrate, together, in the largest ever display of unity in support of our Constitution.

We will conclusively assert that "we the people" will not tolerate anything but a HALT to the farce, the brutal, systematic attack on our fellow citizens in their effort to "form a more perfect union" -- to vote and know their vote was recorded as they intended.

Together, we will forge a remedy to the situation that provides to each of our fellow citizens who are eligible to vote an equitable access to do just that -- vote. We will ensure that each voter has a mechanism to ensure that their vote is counted exactly as they intend it to be.

We will save our American franchise of democracy.

We will then vote, together, for the 44th President and Vice President of the USA and we will all know, beyond reasonable doubt, that whomever receives the most votes is the elected representative of our Nation.

We will bring joy and hope to all of humanity because of our actions between now and 6 Jan 2005, and every day thereafter.

We will never forget the peril to our Constitution, our freedom that we confronted together and resolved -- we will have lived and sacrificed in the honor of all whose ideals and sacrifices have graced each of us and for whom we now must prove our gratitude.

We will prevail.


"I'm an American patriot, not a pro-fraud theocrat" -- and, you betcha I approve of this message and will die making it stick, if that is what must happen.

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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 05:11 PM
Response to Original message
1. You might remind him, also
they are supposed to be the "personal responsibility" party.

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smartvoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 05:12 PM
Response to Original message
2. Only where their candidate is in trouble, of course. nt
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SueZhope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 05:16 PM
Response to Original message
3. Great letter thanks for sharing n/t
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Viktor Runeberg Donating Member (85 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 05:29 PM
Response to Original message
4. Don't assume Munro wouldn't agree
Worked for him way back when. Thoroughly good and honorable man. It's likely that the only reason he's calling for a fresh vote in Washington and not a fresh vote in the whole country is that Washington is a state he used to be responsible for running the vote in, and it's the place where a race hangs on just a few questionable votes. That is: He's speaking to the issue at hand. If the evidence solidifies of vote fraud in Ohio, I'd be surprised if he didn't support a revote there too. Anyway, don't assume that every state-level Republican office holder, or past office holder, is part of Team Bush or advocates a return to the morality of Year Zero.
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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 05:45 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. I actually anticipate he would agree and have requested...
...the author of the Seattle Times report to send him a copy of this post.

If you can get it to him I would be very appreciative.

I think many, many 'true Republicans' are very concerned about the lack of validity of the current national election. If one or more of them became vocal, now, that would be very powerful. So, I assure you I'm far from 'assuming that every state-level.....'.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 06:48 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Fair enough
People DO change, though, don't forget. Look at John Kerry, for example.
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