Isn't the purpose of an election to allow registered voters to vote their conscience on candidates for public office and state and local referendums and for their votes to then be counted as valid toward the election results?
Isn't this the primary purpose of elections in a democracy and a republic?
Isn't this judge ignoring the spirit AND foundation of the election law and passing down his own personal edict on behalf of the Republican National Committee by suggesting that valid votes may be disqualified due to faulty actions by election officials, even though the purpose of a recount is to verify the accuracy of the vote?
For example, in Florida "misplaced" votes were found after the initial results were declared and prior to the votes being certified, and they were added into the existing tally on the referendum in order to get that referendum passed!
ONE OF MANY SOURCES:"Group withdraws lawsuit seeking recount of Amendment 4
Associated Press
Last update: December 10, 2004
MIAMI -- Gambling opponents said Thursday they have dropped a lawsuit challenging the election results of a constitutional amendment that could pave the way for Vegas-style slot machines in Broward and Miami-Dade counties.
Voters statewide approved the measure by 120,000 votes in November for the two south Florida counties to hold referendums on whether to allow slot machines at seven South Florida race tracks and jai alai frontons. The discovery of 78,000 uncounted votes in Broward helped solidify the victory.
The anti-gambling group No Casinos and Broward animal-rights activist Heather Veleanu filed a lawsuit in November in Tallahassee seeking a recount of Broward votes. They said the approval rate for the discovered votes -- 74,000 for and only 4,000 against -- was above average and questionable.
But state Rep. Randy Johnson, who chairs No Casinos, said Thursday that a victory in the lawsuit wouldn't have changed the outcome of the election."
"Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed."
"It's either incompetence or fraud," state GOP Chairman Chris Vance said.
"From the outside you can't tell the difference.""