Just so you know that at least the NAACP has made some strong statements and perhaps you could include them in a letter to the ACLU as a way to urge them to become much more involved, vocal on the disenfranchisement and threat to our Constitution.
http://www.house.gov/judiciary_democrats/moorevotestmt121304.pdfTwo quotes:
"The NAACP National Voter Fund joins in solidarity with CASE, the Free Press, National Voting Rights Institute, and many other groups as we seek a recount of all the votes cast on November 2, 2004 in the state of Ohio; something that never happened in Florida 4 years ago. By almost all independent accounts, had the 2000 Florida recount not been halted by the US Supreme Court in December of 2000, it would have led to the election and inauguration of Vice President Al Gore as president.
Just as there were undervotes and overvotes that were uncounted in Florida that could have determined the true outcome of the 2000 election; there are over 90,000 “spoiled” ballots in Ohio that have yet to be counted and can impact the 2004 election. There are 35,000 people who registered to vote in Ohio, but for one reason or another, were threatened to be challenged at the polls by Republican operatives on November 2, 2004. We are still researching how many of these 35,000 voters were provisional or were actually counted. We may never know the numbers of voters who were intimated from even showing up on Election Day."