and I've never really warmed to him, but read between the lines, and look at what he has said: of the outcome of this election, once all the votes are counted -- and they will be counted -- we will continue to challenge this administration. This is not a time for Democrats to retreat and accommodate extremists on critical principles -- it is a time to stand firm. I will fight for a national standard for federal elections that has both transparency and accountability in our voting system. It's unacceptable in the United States that people still don't have full confidence in the integrity of the voting process. I ask you to join me in this cause. (video message to supporters)
You know they haven't finished counting the votes in Ohio yet, and so it is way to early to start talking about another race. But I will tell you this -- I'm far from finished fighting. I'm passionate about these issues. As I say, 50,000 votes and we'd be in a different place with a different conversation. (Janet Wu interview)
We were 50,000 votes, approximately, moving the other way, short, in one state. That's a very close race. No one’s ever beaten an incumbent president in a time of war. And ‘terror terror terror’ was being thrown at people in a huge, in a huge, negative campaign. I’m very proud of what we did. I don’t look backwards and say well, we did a lot of things that were rather remarkable. Brought out more people at any time in history, I won 57 million votes, plus, still counting. ... I haven’t ruled anything out, I haven’t ruled anything in. Look, they haven’t finished counting the votes yet – we’d be talking about the race 4 years from now and it’s WAY to premature. (King interview) If I were playing against Karl Rove, I'd be holding my cards pretty close to the chest at this point. Wouldn't you? I love the idea of Kerry standing up and saying everything I want to say, but I can see many reasons why he would not, in today's climate. These are strange and dangerous times for America. I do not defend his actions, I just ponder their meaning.
I agree that the silence we've heard from the people we expect to be interested in the suppression of African-American votes and widespread election "irregularities" is disturbing. Where are the media, Michael Moore, Al Franken, the Vote for Change people? It makes me wonder what the silence means. I listen to what Jesse Jackson says when he talks about the importance of people protesting in large numbers over this civil rights violation and the theft of elections. I listen to what the congresspeople are saying when they urge people listening to show how they feel in a public way. Cliff sent me an email, and here is what it said: "Ultimately, it will be the support of citizens like you for the truth that will determine the outcome." Cliff is our Frodo, on a mission to save the day by throwing the ring into the fit of fire. But many things can happen to Cliff on the way, and they're going to stop at nothing, just as they did in the 2004 election. By any means necessary is their method of operation. Cliff and Jesse need back up. and the only people who can provide that backup are we the people. There is a reason why Jackson keeps talking about Selma. It's only we the people who can force this change, and they're trying to tell us that. We want transparent and fair elections, and we have every right to them. We have the technology, now our leaders must be shown that they must have the will. The * administration knows all of this, so they're feeding us Kerik and Challanges
for America's Economic Future and the holidays.
I can't help but feel that some of these quiet democratic leaders are waiting for us to march in large numbers. Perhaps January 6 will be that moment. There is still time, but not much.
Election tampering been going on forever, we all know that, and all elections are to some extent manipulated by both parties, and I understand the democrats don't want their activities exposed, either. But hey, it's 2004, and we have the internet now, and so far they're not in complete control of it. We must take advantage before it all slips out of any control. Eventually things will right themselves, but we can save ourselves years of pain and misery, and untold numbers of deaths, by stopping this NOW. With the elections of 2000 and 2004, our election process has come under more scrutiny than ever before, and that's not going to go away. Change is coming. It's just a matter of when and how. * wants us to wait until he's done with his plans for us. By then, it may be too late. Can you even remember what America was like in 2000? It was ... quite different.