but I have a hard time keeping up myself
1. The ohio SC judge through out Arnebeck's case because it contested two different elections: presidential and the presiding judges reelection. I'm not sure if there has been a consensus on this, but it appears the judge should have recused himself from the case because he was one of the defendents. There was another thread the discussed wether there was even a rule that made Arnebeck's original filing incorrect. Regardless, the judge dismissed the case without prejiduce, so it was only a matter of splitting it into two cases and refiling it. Arnebeck refiled it yesterday.
2. Most Ohio recounts have been matching the machine recounts. A University of Iowa proffesor signed an affidavit saying that these recounts were worthlesss if the machines had been tampered with since the election. A women has signed an affidavit saying that a TRIAD employee was working on a polling machine in her precinct. You can read the affidavit here:
http://www.truthout.org/mm_01/5.121004.Robersondep.pdfApparently TRIAD employees have been making visits to a lot of ohio counties.
There have been a few counties where the 3% recount and the machine counts weren't matching, but the BOE blamed it on the machine and said that they needed to get new machines in order to make the recounts match up. This is pretty unorthidox, becuase if they aren't matching now, then they weren't matching on election day. They are required to do the recounts by hand now, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.
Recount volunteers from Cuyhuga county have come forward and said they don't think the recount was necesarily on the up and up. There seems to have been long strings of votes for one candidate and then the other. This suggests they may have been looked through and possibly manipulated before the recount.
There has also been some speculation that the precincts weren't picked randomly...
3. Cobb said Kerry was trying to undermine the recounts. There is no consensus on why he did this. It is possible that it was to get Kerry to step out of the shadows...who knows.
4. Katrina (don't rememeber her last name, but she is the one who found the recount place with the doors open and lights on) was run off the road by two blue sububans, and more recently her tires were slit.
5. Here's an article about New Mexico that you should read.