Can you make these graphs for Ohio?!?!
Three cases in which votes appear to have been moved from the Democrat to third party candidate(s) to weaken the Democrat’s performance as precincts were reporting during election night: Ohio (2004) – Hamilton and Lucas Counties and Florida (2000).
OHIO (2004): The Ohio Secretary of State’s website showed that with 11.25% of Hamilton County’s precincts reporting, 34,804 votes had been cast George W. Bush; 39,541 for John F. Kerry; and 39,541 for David Cobb < >. The Ohio Secretary of State’s website now shows, (with 100% of precincts having reported) 215,639 votes for George W. Bush; 190,956 for John Kerry; and 0 for David Cobb < >. Hamilton County used ES&S voting systems according to
OHIO (2004): The Ohio Secretary of State’s website showed that with 6.06% of Lucas County’s precincts reporting, 1,917 votes had been cast George W. Bush; 0 for John F. Kerry; and 4,685 for David Cobb < >. The Ohio Secretary of State’s website now shows, (with 100% of precincts having reported) 85,405 votes for George W. Bush; 128,874 for John Kerry; and 0 for David Cobb < >. Lucas used Diebold voting systems according to
FLORIDA (2000): Black Box Voting < > details what happened in the 2000 Presidential election in Florida. At10 p.m. on election night, a Democratic Party election official, Deborah Tannenbaum, called the county elections department and found that Al Gore was leading George W. Bush 83,000 votes to 62,000 votes. But when she checked the county’s Web site for an update half an hour later, she found a startling development: Gore’s count had dropped by 16,000 votes, while an obscure Socialist candidate had picked up 10,000 - all because of a single precinct with only 600 voters.
Additional research reported by Black Box Voting revealed that Precinct 216 gave Al Gore a –16,022 when votes were uploaded at approximately 10:30 p.m. on election night. On January 17, Volusia County employee Lana Hires asked the technical staff at Global Election Systems for help. “I need some answers!” she wrote. “Our department is being audited by the County. I have been waiting for someone to give me an explanation as to why Precinct 216 gave Al Gore a minus 16,022 hen it as uploaded.” Talbot Iredale of Global Election Systems replied: “Only the presidential totals were incorrect…The problem precinct has two memcory cards uploaded. The second one is the one I believe caused the problem. They were uploaded on the same port approx. 1 hour apart. As far as I know there should have only been one memory card uploaded.”
What was the impact of Volusia ‘error’ on the election? Again, Black Box Voting reports: At some point between 10:16 pm and 1:12 am Bush took the lead in the state and the gap between Bush and Gore widened by an amount sufficient to cause FOX, NBC, CBS, and ABC to call Florida for Bush. By 4:00 a.m. the Volusia ‘error’ had been corrected and CBS News retracted the call for Bush. According to a CBS internal report, “the call for Bush was based entirely on the tabulated county vote. There were several errors that were responsible for that mistake. The most egregious of the data errors has been well documented. Vote reports from Volusia County.”
Important: In the cases above it appears as if votes were moved from the Democrat to third party candidate(s) to weaken the Democrat’s performance as precincts were reporting during election night. In Florida (2000) the votes initially given to the Socialist candidate were apparently returned to Gore. In Ohio (2004) it is not clear that the votes were returned to Kerry.