H.R. 3295
One big happy family
On April 25, 2001, the Committee held the first hearing on Election Reform.
Witnesses: J. Kenneth Blackwell, Secretary of State, Ohio; Sharon Priest, Secretary of State, Arkansas; Katherine Harris, Secretary of State, Florida; Rebecca Vigil-Giron, Secretary of State, New Mexico
On May 17, 2001, the Committee held its third hearing on Election Reform.
Witnesses: Tom Davis, Managing Member, iPaper/Diversified Dynamics; William F. Welsh III, Chairman, Election Systems and Software; Brian O'Conner, Executive Vice President, Global Election Systems, Inc.; David E. Hart, Chairman, Hart InterCivic, Inc.; Richard Caruso, Chairman, Shoup Voting Solutions; Marlene Duffy Young, Regional Marketing Representative, Unilect; James Minadeo, Product Manager, Avante; Scott Faibaron, Regional Sales Manager, Envox (US) Ltd.; Mark Strama, Vice President, Public Elections, election.com; Vote HereDavid Chaum, Founder, SureVote; Ralph Munro, Board of Directors,
All the info at
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/?&db_id=cp107&r_n=hr329p1.107&sel=TOC_205812&and if you didn't know...
Ralph Munro, Chairman, former Secretary of State of Washington State
Chairman of voterhere an Accenture subsidary.
http://www.votehere.net/boardofdirectors.htmlPerhaps it should have been titled "the help america not vote act"