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Ohio's Perfectly Paranormal Recount Results

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rainbow4321 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 02:19 AM
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Ohio's Perfectly Paranormal Recount Results

Giving new meaning to the adjective ''Orwellian," just hours after the Ranking Minority Member of the House Judiciary Committee asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate allegations that two electronic voting-machine manufacturers -- Triad Governmental Systems and Diebold, Inc. -- not only tampered with voting machines in Ohio, but also (as to the former, and possibly the latter) instructed county elections officials on how to make a hand recount match a machine recount, countless Ohio counties (all of which are opposed to conducting any countywide recounting) have done exactly what Triad Governmental Systems allegedly instructed Hocking County (OH) elections officials on how to do: match preliminary hand and machine recounts perfectly in order to avoid a state statute requiring a countywide manual recount if a 3% sample of county ballots uncovers even one mis- or un-counted ballot.

Strangely, despite the source of the above complaint being a leading Congressman, the F.B.I. has been slower to respond to these allegations of statewide election fraud than a volunteer firefighter responding to a ham-radio report of local kittens caught in a pine tree..

Of course, in none of these counties were recount observers allowed to stand close enough to elections officials to actually see any of the ballots being counted; every county in which an observer asked to inspect an actual electronic voting machine rebuffed such request; one county, Delaware County, continues to refuse to even conduct a recount; and, as mentioned above, it would be a great surprise if Diebold and Triad representatives hadn't visited all the counties mentioned above, because the presidents of those companies seem to admit that they did -- the only question remaining, then, being whether those "visits" also involved criminal election fraud, as was reportedly the case in Hocking County. Perhaps the elections officials in Butler, Lucas, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, and Summit counties, none of which welcomed a recount, were less forthcoming regarding their "interviews" with Triad/Diebold representatives than was Sherole Eaton, Deputy Director of Elections in Hocking County?
If the F.B.I. continues to be the only investigative body on the case, the world may never know.

The Green Party of America is reporting, however, that many Ohio counties are pre-selecting -- as opposed to randomly selecting -- precincts to recount, possibly in contravention of Ohio statutes. The intent of this pre-selection process, according to Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb, is to ensure that the smallest number of ballots is actually recounted -- that is, to target specific precincts which, when taken together, will comprise precisely or near-precisely 3% of all ballots cast countywide, rather than taking a random sampling of precincts whose total ballots reach the 3% threshold, i.e., ceasing the random-selection process as soon as sufficient precincts are selected to achieve the desired number of ballots. Moreover, an update recently entered on the Party's website alleges that there are an increasing number of "tales of ballot-prepping (to allow the hand count and the machine count to match)..." This assertion is consistent with data being compiled and disseminated by The Advocate in this article and others.

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RaulVB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 02:25 AM
Response to Original message
1. Atention here!
The report is stating that the recounts "are matching perfectly" the original count!

So, the machines were calibrated to produce these results!
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berniew1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 06:57 PM
Response to Reply #1
11. The manufacturer rep "visits" are likely to eliminate proof of known fraud
Edited on Sun Dec-19-04 07:02 PM by berniew1
A pattern of vote machine fraud has been documented in Ohio and other states:

Rep visits could replace the default settings that clearly were originally set for Bush, based on the voting experience in touchscreen counties. And other patterns of fraud that have been found in non-touchscreen counties.

Why hasn't anyone made sure that the equipment and computer memories weren't tampered with??? Whats the purpose of this process?
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bleever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 02:26 AM
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2. Now what we have here is a failure of communication...
See, we said recount the votes, according to the law, and y'all are saying recount the votes according to makin' the numbers match.

Now, if we need to get particular about it, the law seems awfully specific about the counting, and the witnessing.

And we'd hate to get all LEGAL about it, but if push comes to shove, well, we're sure you'd want the same thing.

So let's get through this, cuz inauguration day is coming up, and we know that your deposit to the caterers isn't refundable. So let's put this all to rest, once and for all.

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regularjoe Donating Member (358 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 02:33 AM
Response to Original message
3. Scoop rocks! n/t
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understandinglife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 02:36 AM
Response to Original message
4. They are begging, just begging for the BIG HURT and we are...
....going to deliver it on 6 Jan 2005.

Jail time Rove

Jail time Bush

Jail time Blackwell

Jail time.......

The only question is "Who's gonna roll over first?"


"I'm an American patriot, not a pro-fraud, dumbass theocrat"
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seito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 03:00 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. Another question
How do we make sure they are not suicided?

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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 02:40 AM
Response to Original message
5. they'll have to provide their random sampling table
Should be easy enough to produce. Standard Operating Procedure.


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GetTheRightVote Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 03:06 AM
Response to Original message
7. I assisted in the recount of Allen County .............
They are only counting the precincts they have choosen rather then a random sample, they have it all figured out in the counties of Ohio, they are sand bagging us all with the set ups that they are controlling. I helped in the recount of Ohio and they only let us look at the precincts that they choose to let us research, they did not do a random selection as they were suppose to, nor did they let us look at the polling books, absentees and provisional ballots which would have helped us with verifing totals recorded by the counties. The Director where I assisted told us in fact that he did not want to use to many machines in the recount and wanted the closes precincts that would total to the 3% needed for the recount. This was a little fishy but along with this the poll workers who were helping in the recount effort did not seem to know how to take care of any problems concerning the scanners. After working the polls on election day you would think that they would be more then a little effienct with the machines but they were not. In fact, they complained about having to even do the recount and acted like it was a total waste of time and effort not that this was a Democracy at work. In fact they were upset to the point that they kept asking if this was the last time they would have to do any recounting since it was such a waste of time and effort, a very negative additude towards a recount for sure. The Deputy Director had to keep coming over to fix the machines for them, now how would this work during election day ??

The Director and Board also told us that if the voter did not vote in two federal electons sequencely that the voter would be dropped off of the registion list. This I found to be very disheartening but along with this issue I also saw overvotes where a voter had mark a candidate but then also wrote in the same candidate but this vote was not counted even though it was obvious to all who they were voting for, it was Bush, boo, but still it was an uncounted vote. We were told that there were not many of these kinds of votes and not to worry about them anyway, I was upset at the casual way these votes were dismissed by this board. I told them perhaps I was a little extreme but if a vote was obvious why not count it, and they had no answer for me but because the machine could not read it, how many other obvious votes were not counted because a machine could not count it ?? How many voters could not vote though they had not moved because they did not vote in the last two federal elections ?? Are these not examples of voter disenfranhisement ?? After my experiences these last few weeks, I am aware I do not live in a Democracy but a dictatorship of the many officials who run these elections for us right up to the top of the Republican party because they make up the rules. Are we going to allow this to continue and put flowers on the bed of Democracy's grave or fight to bring her up from the dead ??? I hope it is as obvious to you as it has become to me that our elections are manipulated by these self serving individuals.

Finally, I had forgotten my purse and I had to drive back to get it. When I went into the
Room where we had done all the counting of the ballets it all looked like it did when I left with one new piece. The tapes from the scanner were sitting on the top of the table under which my purse laid. I looked around and there were no election officials to be seen. I could have picked them both up and walked right out of the room with them. Just how secure is that for you, election tape for recount out in the open for all to obtain, hmmmmm. Oh well as they would say, just another day in the neighbor.

I am one deeply concerned American Citizen.
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chitown Donating Member (12 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 03:22 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. Election Tape
Can you please explain? Did they have the numbers for the recount on them.
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newyawker99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 06:15 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. Hi chitown!!
Welcome to DU!! :toast:
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 03:31 AM
Response to Reply #7
9. GetTheRightVote, I love it when we get
first hand information from people on the ground in Ohio.

You are all doing an awesome job.

Thank you very much!
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