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Was the tech in Ohio resetting the E-PROM?

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Ellipsis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 01:16 PM
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Was the tech in Ohio resetting the E-PROM?
one of two posts.

I am not an engineer. I am definitely not a DOS guy. I am not a Programmer.

I do understand hardware evolution.

>Lets define more acronyms here first.
>ROM read only memory
>PROM Programmable Read only memory
>E-PROM electronic programmable read only memory
>EE-PROM Erasable programmable memory
>The order, is also, sort of it's practical historical
>introduction into mainstream computing. the first be the least
>expensive ( though not at the time of its introduction) The
>latest chips would last have the highest cost. The more chips
>produced over time the lower the cost of goods.

The above will also apply to a second post called EE-PROM in a second post.

as applied to the The technician in OHIO, one of the suspicious examples sited by Cong. Conyers.

In order to Reset the E-PROM in those days one would expose it to ultraviolet light.

Could the the weight of the heavy jacket have been an ultraviolet light box?

When one downloads firmware, to E-PROM don't you have to reboot the machine to invoke it? Didn't MS Eaton say the machine rebooted in her testimony? (I have just spoken to Simone who confirms this.)

I'd guess He updated the firmware. Why?


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suston96 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 01:34 PM
Response to Original message
1. Changing cards
Edited on Sun Dec-19-04 01:36 PM by suston96
I have some background in computers and specifically enough background in "changing cards" in computer equipment to offer the following comments.

Thats what I think they did. They - that technician - changed cards on which the EPROMS or EEPROMS were mounted.

That's why his jacket or coat was "heavy".

He could have had a box that allowed him to reprogram the EEPROMS on site but I really believe that time was of the essence and that the plan was to get in and out as quickly as possible.

One more thing: no election equipment can be unsealed to do anything to it - before, during or after the election or before any recounts. Any so called unsealing for "recalibration" before votes are counted or audited is pure bogus and criminal.

But sadly, I believe they suceeded in "fixing" the machines before the election and in "unfixing" them after the election.

Unfortunately, poll works and county election board officials generally don't have the computer savvy to have supervised what this or these technicians were doing.

They stole it. And they are getting away with it because we don't have a remedy for stolen elections in our Constitution, state Constitutions, federal and state laws - nowhere!

As they say on the Sopranos: things have got to change!
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