Because there are LOTS of them....and here is why:
What's All This Then?
We're urging everyone to ask their Senators and Reps to declare their intent
NOW to object to presidential electors on Jan 6th by endorsing the declaration.
It puts states on notice that there may be a consequence to their lack of action.
Included is a demand that states take affirmative action to demonstrate that any
problems in their state have been remedied or are of negligible effect.
This puts the burden of proof back where it belongs. State officials don't simply
owe us a vote count that we can't prove was criminally generated. They owe us a
result we have confidence in. They have failed in several states to do this.
What are we accomplishing? It sounds futile. We should moveon and fight
other battles. Shouldn't we?
It's never wrong to refuse to back down on principle. To go the distance. To take
it to the mat. To hold the finish. oh, phplhth !!!
On a more practical level, we are creating a real consequence for the situation.
No one among the DC/Media Aristocracy wants to see such a public (in fact,
historic) confirmation that while our kids are dying for democracy in far off lands,
we can't succeed in providing a reasonable level of it here at home.
There is also the implied threat to states that refuse to provide electoral equality.
They would start thinking "hey, something might actually happen next time if we
don't clean up our act." Everyone knows they don't put up a traffic light until after
someone killed.
Getting a Senator to "sign on" now would also dial up the media attention and
therefore public awareness.