I know this is old but, a scam should involve me making a few bucks
somewhere, No? Well, where's my cash? This is just a request for
people to email the entire Judiciary Committee instead of just Conyers. Conyers requesting emails is wrong, Judiciary Committee right...see below.
> CRUCIAL CORRECTION re. the "Conyers Request for Emails..."!:
> I'm sure you've all received (including one from me) numerous emails communicating an "urgent request by Conyers for 1 million letters" to be sent to the House Judiciary Committee. The enthusiastic response from the public has been overwhelming, proof that, in the midst of a dis-serving media blackout, our crucial internet communication system is working! However, it has been determined that in the original, widely circulating email there is a link address for the public to use for sending letters to the House Judiciary Committee ("...judiciary_democrats/contact") that is incorrect, unfortunately. Conyers has been getting flooded, and although they appreciate the enthusiasm, it has overburdened his resources at a time when we need him and his personnel most. Once being alerted to this fact, one of the senior CASE-Ohio members (www.caseohio.org) contacted Conyers office yesterday and got the CORRECT link address that we need to be using.
> Below are 2 of the "correct" communications issued yesterday:
> Date: Wed Dec 15, 2004 8:19 pm
> Subject: J. Conyers needs Judiciary Committee members contacted URGENTLY!
> "Rep. John Conyers, who is leading the Congressional investigations in Ohio, needs our help. He is asking for emails from the American public demanding that the House Judiciary Committee hold full hearings on the 2004 Election. Full hearings are essential, because that will give the Committee subpoena powers -- until now, Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell and others have been able to simply ignore Rep. Conyers' demands for information -- because the GOP Committee Chairman has refused to convene a full hearing. WE can change that. Send your email to:
http://judiciary.house.gov/contact.aspx ".
> ___
> AND:
> "Conyers is working very hard in reference to voting fraud; and if there is the slightest concern regarding his ability to work--then I
> will move to remedy that situation--without a delay.
> The House Judiciary Committee is divided into two--democrats and republicans--we do not have to send our correspondence to only one particular part of the house--we have the right to send mail to the entire House Judiciary Committee.
> Should a citizen decide to contact the House Judiciary Committee, please find the following contact information for the House Judiciary Committee as opposed to sending directly to Conyers himself.
> This link is to the entire committee:
> This link is to the email for the entire Judiciary Committee Committee:
> Within a Democracy, we are entitled to contact our Representatives, and it is our Duty to remain involved within a Democracy... we just need to be sure to contact the appropriate persons, and within the appropriate means."
> __
> Thank you all for your time and attention in this crucial matter! We can all do our part to defend democracy and our sacred right to vote and have every vote counted...
> Cleo