There's no other way to say it: Dino Rossi is a thief.
Rossi went to court in a last ditch effort to stop legitimate ballots from being counted.
He knows that once these votes are counted, it will be clear that he didn't win the last count and hasn?t won this one.
Rossi knows that he is nothing more than the accidental governor-elect. His earlier lead was an error. And now he wants a court to make him Governor-by-mistake.
You see, hundreds of ballots were ignored in King County. Why? Simple: it was a mistake.
When the government messes up your tax returns, you expect them to fix it. This is no different.
But just as the mistake was on the brink of being fixed, Rossi rushed to court and demanded that it be stopped.
It's an example of HypocRossi.
For weeks, Rossi said I trust the voters, not lawyers. Then the count turned against him and he rushed into court to throw out valid votes.
For weeks, Rossi said don't change the rules. But when following the rules meant Rossi would lose, they tried to throw out the rules.
For weeks, Rossi said we should accept the outcome of the election. Now he's saying let's have a do-over.
The Democrats didn't scream fraud when counties across the state found hundreds of new ballots that helped Dino Rossi. So why are the Republicans screaming fraud now that Rossi is on the brink of losing?
Our party is standing up for America?s basic, sacred principle that every legitimate vote should count. Dino Rossi is trying to win by throwing votes away.
You can help us send a strong signal to Dino Rossi if you could take a minute and write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Tell them that it's wrong to steal.
Forward this message on to your friends and family. We must work together to stop the Republicans from stealing this election.
Thanks to your help and support, we've been able to match Dino Rossi measure for measure. Thank you again for all you have to done to protect our votes.
Paul Berendt