Finally, a rational piece about this., December 21, 2004
Washington state has become ground zero in the war between reds and blues as the gubernatorial race between Republican Dino Rossi and Democrat Christine Gregoire heads to the wire. The chairmen of both political parties -- Republican Chris Vance and Democrat Paul Berendt -- need to chill out.
Alone, Vance's rhetoric degrades legitimate government and takes our state, with his party, to a dangerous place. It is a place reminiscent of the hard-edged style of Republican spokesman James Baker in Florida and the hateful speech of Zell Miller at the Republican National Convention.
Vance's charge is ludicrous that Democrats in the Seattle area are trying to steal the election. Fraud is a grave charge...Vance's incendiary speech ratchets public sentiment toward outrage and makes the tabulation task needlessly more fragile.
Democrats argue every vote should be counted; they paid for a second recount by hand, provided by law. As this final process draws to a close, the fragility of our legitimate election system is laid bare. But Vance's rhetoric is calculated to lead voters to the unwarranted conclusion that in King County the problem is gross incompetence or gross fraud.
Much better than that tripe in the WSJ opinion page.