I think they must be listen to us...the writer at least leaves it open to question, even gives us the last word (at the link)rather than ending on some pat answer...
Ohio Election Officials Defend Results of State's Electronic Voting Despite Alleged ProblemsThe Associated Press
CLEVELAND Dec 21, 2004 — With a recount of the Nov. 2 election results almost complete in Ohio, officials said Tuesday their electronic voting systems worked as promised, despite alleged problems with some machines.
With recount results reported in 86 of 88 counties Tuesday, President Bush picked up 438 votes and Sen. John Kerry got an extra 680, narrowing Bush's 119,000-vote lead by 242 votes, according to an Associated Press survey of the counties.
Neither the Bush nor Kerry campaigns expect the recount to change the outcome.
Seven Ohio counties used electronic systems on Election Day, and Carlo LoParo, spokesman for Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell, said those counties did a good job. "By and large, electronic voting went well in Ohio," he said.
But Kerry's concession hasn't deterred critics who feel that alleged voting problems in Ohio called the outcome into question. The Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Massachusetts-based Alliance for Democracy have accused the Bush campaign of "high-tech vote stealing."
An AP review of electronic voting found few reports of widespread problems. Elections officials of both parties were confident the election was fair and done properly.
A lawsuit pending in Columbus by Jackson and allies claimed up to 30 machines in the Youngstown area had to be recalibrated. Another dozen machines froze up and needed to be reset, according to the lawsuit...more