...to read and re-read Congressman Conyers letter to the CEOs of the MSM. I have a post here with the link and some comments.
One sentence in that letter, and his comments on Ed Schultz yesterday, would suggest you are getting close to having more than one Senator challenge.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=203&topic_id=185007&mesg_id=185175Once several Senators and HR members start informing the public of why they are challenging the election: well, all the ambiguity of the 1877 Act, as amended in 1948 and codified in Title 3 of the United States Code will be exposed, for starters, but, for many other reasons particular to the 2004 national election process (e.g., civil rights violations, voter's rights violations, state election statute violations......) it won't matter because we will be in truly uncharted, chaotic waters.
(By the way, any doubt about the ambiguity -- read the reference in another post:
From a different perspective, you may find these two paragraphs of interest:
"As a result, no candidate may be elected as President, or as Vice President, who does not command the votes of an absolute majority of the maximum potential number of electors, whether those electors are members of the Electoral College, State delegations in the House of Representatives, or members of the Senate. The argument that a candidate can be elected to the Presidency based on a simple majority of the electors who may ultimately cast ballots for President on December 18 simply cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny.
"Therefore, if neither Vice President Gore nor Governor Bush commands the allegiance of 270 electors when the Electoral College votes, then neither man can be elected President by the Electoral College. In this case, the House of Representatives will be required to elect the next President."
They are the concluding comments in a study done in late November 2000 and published by The Heritage Foundation on 5 Dec 2000:
The Number of Electors Necessary for the Election of a President
by Edwin Meese III, Todd F. Gaziano, and Matthew Spalding, Ph.D.
Don't gag on the source; the point is to know how they approached the issue of an election in which an ABSOLUTE majority of electoral votes is not achieved by a candidate for Presidency.
I wanted to bring that "absolute majority" issue into the context of what Congressman Conyers wrote today. Specifically:
"As you are aware, the American citizenry has voiced a collective lack of faith in government to carry out fair election procedures."
What happens once the challenge begins is so far from the knee-jerk "it reverts to the HR and Bush wins" as to be a waste of ATP on extending that knee. For starters, that statement of Congressman Conyers -- "the American citizenry has voiced a collective lack of faith in government to carry out fair election procedures." -- will be the focus. Simply, we have no election.
The People will suddenly have so very much to say to their respective Congresspersons about the folk who perpetrated the crimes against our fellow citizens during the 2004 national election process. Couple that with what happens 30 % of our fellow citizens who voted will have to face the reality that they have zero reason to think their vote was counted as they intended (something probably way less than 1 % of all those who voted on 2 Nov 2004 have any knowledge today).
To have any hope of converting the catastrophe into a genuine re-birth of the American franchise of Democracy we will need to adopt the "Ukrainian solution" -- ReVote.
Conclusion: do everything it takes to support Congressman Conyers efforts to have several members of the 109th US Senate stand, along with as many members of the HR as possible, and challenge the election. Push for multiple press conferences starting on 27 Dec 2004. It will not take very many minutes for millions of our fellow citizens to realize just how true Congressman Conyers sentence is once they start having the facts explained to them.
And, given BushCo's stellar performance these past six weeks, more than the gross disenfranchisement and 'irregularties' will motivate a demand for a re-vote.
Just make it happen.