I only bring this up because it seems to be showing up in the neighborhood here...
"If we had had any idea that terrorists would attack us with hijacked/suicider/airliners-into-buildings, we would have done everything we could."
"If I had had flight numbers and seat assignments, I would have done everything I could."
"If I had had any idea that there might be armed resistance to our efforts to bring McDonald's to the Iraqis in exchange for their oil..."
And so on.
And so, you will hear things along the lines of Peace Patriot's remark about how they treat environmental policy ("Yeah, but prove it hurt this ONE SPECIFIC fish") with regard to election fraud.
I.e., "Oh yeah, well what's the name of the guy? How much fraud exactly? What's his address? These spurious charges are just making you look silly to the mainstream."
But, when the mainstream is far from healthy, sometimes the species survives because of those of us in the backwaters.
And, oh yeah: NGU.