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BREAKING: King County recount puts Gregoire on top

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:49 PM
Original message
BREAKING: King County recount puts Gregoire on top
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

King County recount puts Gregoire on top, Democrats say

By The Associated Press

OLYMPIA - Democratic State Party Chairman Paul Berendt says recount
results from King County give Democrat Christine Gregoire an eight-
vote statewide victory over Republican Dino Rossi in the governor's

The report is very preliminary, and neither King County nor the
Republican party could confirm the hand recount results tonight.

But if the Democrats' analysis is right, it's a stunning reversal of
fortune in the closest governor's race in Washington history. Rossi
won the first count by 261 votes and won the machine recount by 42

"We're confident Christine Gregoire has been elected the governor of
the state of Washington," Berendt said. "I believe Dino Rossi should

Berendt and Democratic party officials reached the conclusion after
crunching numbers supplied by King County, and adding in the 320
ballots that were considered during Tuesday's canvassing board
meeting. King County has finished tallying its 900,000 ballots, but
election officials said they still need to reconcile differences in
the precinct totals.

"We are not releasing our results until tomorrow at 3:30 p.m.," said
King County Elections spokeswoman Bobbie Egan, who confirmed that
both parties received the recount data on Tuesday.

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Renew Deal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:51 PM
Response to Original message
1. Please be true.
And then watch the pukes go to court and blame us.
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Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. Someone should tell Dino Rossi and Chris Vance that....
...the wine Washington is famous for does not have an "h" in it.
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GetTheRightVote Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:51 PM
Response to Original message
2. Thank you for this awsome posting, Yes, Justice, how sweet it is

Wow, we did not even need the other lost votes, but they should still count them, all votes should be counted, hurray !!!!
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mom cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:54 PM
Original message
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ailsagirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:52 PM
Response to Original message
3. That would be great if it turns out that way!!
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Pithy Cherub Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:52 PM
Response to Original message
4. Wow!
Yippee! :bounce: Thanks for sticking in there Washington Dems!

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bj2110 Donating Member (802 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:53 PM
Response to Original message
5. ..would be great news. nt
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:54 PM
Response to Original message
6. Too bad it's not the presidental race in Ohio, Florida, or New Mexico
But that's good news.
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Scout1071 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:58 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. It would be a great start
let's and count declared for Pug candidate. Machine recount drastically brings total to a draw. Hand recount points to Dem election. Sorry, but I still think it's possible in Ohio. That hope has faded somewhat, but still holding on to it.

If not, it'll be everything I can do to get change for 2006 and 08.
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IndyPriest Donating Member (685 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:08 AM
Response to Reply #9
15. Scout! NEVER give up! NEVER give in!
The Washington count is just a sign of even greater things to come!
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RevCheesehead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:13 AM
Response to Reply #9
19. "HOPE" is belief in things not yet seen.
(according to my buddy Paul).


Paul also writes (of all these gifts) only these three endure: Faith, Hope, and Love - and the greatest of these is Love.

Just wanted to lift your spirits.
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zann725 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:13 AM
Response to Reply #19
55. Oh, thank you that was so nice.
And there WILL be Hope...long as JK and Truth prevails!
(Otherwise we're truly in deep doo-doo.)

So..."Keep hope alive!"
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chitown Donating Member (12 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:18 AM
Response to Reply #9
22. Ohio
I'd like to believe you but the number of disputed ballots in ohio is less the difference of the margin of victory.

It would be a miracle for Kerry to pick up 18,000 votes in Ohio let alone 118,000.

Ohio right now is a lost cause.

The validity rate of the 93,000 undervotes is 10 percent at best.

Some of the 93,000 votes come from counties like Franklin and Mahoning where there is no paper trail.

Some of the 93,000 come from puke counties. Tens of thousands of people out of 5.8 million also went to the polls without voting for either candidate and just on the local issues.

In florida in 2000 there were 100,000 undervotes and later on all the undervotes were looked at and Gore picked up 1,000 votes.

When people stay they still believe in Ohio they have got to back it up with some facts or else it is just more pain for us.

Just saying you have hope in Ohio is like saying you have hope you will be able to walk on water tomorrow.
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New Earth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:22 AM
Response to Reply #22
24. whos is baKak obama?
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buddysmellgood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:01 AM
Response to Reply #22
30. You haven't done your homework. There are enough votes in Ohio to give
Kerry more 100,000 more votes than Bush. You just have to know where to look.
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:03 AM
Response to Reply #30
31. Where are they?
Is it true they are going to have the recount done tomorrow?
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New Earth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:04 AM
Response to Reply #31
32. it wasn't much of a recount
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buddysmellgood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:21 AM
Response to Reply #31
36. The recount has been a sham. The stench coming from some counties
is overpowering. They are preselecting the precincts to be recounted, denying access to the poll books and have allowed partisan companies to alter software on the tabulators prior to the recount. The recount only serves to support the contest to the election. We need the power of subpoena in order to turn over rocks. Cliff Arnebeck and Rep. Conyers are our best bet.
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RevCheesehead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:07 AM
Response to Reply #22
33. Who says I can't walk on water?
The shoreline of Lake Michigan is freezing up really nice, right now. And it's gonna hit -10 in the inland areas tonight.

Besides, Jesus invited Peter to walk on water - and he did!

Never Give Up Hope!
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:32 AM
Response to Reply #22
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politicasista Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:35 AM
Response to Reply #38
40. BOOOO!
I guess we just gon let Smirky steal the state.
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Mike Niendorff Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 11:57 PM
Response to Original message
8. Republican rep : "too close to call"

Unlike Rossi's pre-recount edge of 42 votes (out of 2 million), which was, according to these same people, clearly a definitive victory :eyes:


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pa28 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:18 AM
Response to Reply #8
21. But this is "different".
Edited on Wed Dec-22-04 12:18 AM by pa28
The quote from Rossi when he was up by 42. "The people have spoken. She (Gregoire) needs to do the honorable thing and concede."
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Mike Niendorff Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:33 AM
Response to Reply #21
27. yep, and I'm loving how the Dems have already called on Rossi to concede

The phrase "hoist on his own petard" comes to mind :)

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Hamoth Donating Member (292 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:02 AM
Response to Original message
10. !#!@$!! Good god...yes.
Down with the machines!

I predicted rossi by 1 vote.

I hope to hell I continue to be wrong!
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AmerDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:04 AM
Response to Original message
11. 8 votes?
Does this include that 500 plus uncounted vote they will adding? 8 votes is splitting the hair thin.
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Hamoth Donating Member (292 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:05 AM
Response to Reply #11
13. This does NOT include the 720 + rejects
Edited on Wed Dec-22-04 12:06 AM by Hamoth
And I STILL think it's vital that these votes be counted regardless. It is still an important moral stand that every legitimate vote be counted.
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AmerDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:06 AM
Response to Reply #13
14. Thanks for that info
very encouraging.
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:12 AM
Response to Reply #13
18. Same comment. Great News. First Frye of San Diego, and
now this! (albeit Frye may have to still fight in court)
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Hamoth Donating Member (292 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:04 AM
Response to Original message
12. Freep the yahoo!
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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:46 AM
Response to Reply #12
43. current average rating is 2.23 with 251 vote(s).
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helderheid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:09 AM
Response to Original message
16. CLG
News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government
December 21, 2004
Breaking: Democrats claim victory in Washington governor's race - The head of the state Democratic Party says that recount results from King County give Democrat Christine Gregoire an eight-vote victory in the closest governor's race in Washington state history.


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KyndCulture Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:12 AM
Response to Original message
17. The fat lady is singing... AHahahaAHAhahah!
Thank you democracy! EIGHT votes!
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pa28 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:14 AM
Response to Original message
20. Time for Rossi to take his own advice.
Edited on Wed Dec-22-04 12:14 AM by pa28
Now that the manual audit is finished and we have a definitive winner he should do the honorable and decent thing. Concede and get over it. Gregoire is the winner.
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:21 AM
Response to Original message
23. Start the spin....
From our 'friend' at

Gregoire Beats Rossi?

The latest suggests that Democrat Christine Gregoire has now won the
gubernatorial race in Washington over Dino Rossi by a mere eight

It's just a coincidence that Democrats somehow managed to count a
Democrat victory right? Eight votes? In a manual recount, I think
that's within the margin of fraud.

Visit at your own risk:

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New Earth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:23 AM
Response to Reply #23
25. i'll pass
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Jax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:33 AM
Response to Reply #23
26. No thanks
Won't be visiting that site.

It will be a Democratic victory in Washington State for Christine Gregoire if and when all votes are counted and she has the most votes.

The republicans here want anything but your vote to count or to be counted. Just like they do everywhere.


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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:57 AM
Response to Reply #26
29. They just make me so mad...
From the AP Article:

About 350 people gathered Tuesday in front of the Supreme Court to
show support for Rossi at a rally sponsored by KVI-AM, a
conservative talk-radio station

The crowd chanted "No new votes!" and "No more fraud!" They held
signs saying "Welcome to Ukraine" and wore orange, a tribute to the
signature color of demonstrators in Ukraine who protested a fraud-
marred election there.

Can they not even see how this makes them look?!?
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Carolab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:34 AM
Response to Reply #29
39. No, they CAN'T
their hypocrisy knows NO BOUNDS, or have you not noticed?

They bend the rules to suit them, flip them over and back again, without regard for LOGIC, FAIR PLAY or RULE OF LAW.
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:39 AM
Response to Reply #39
41. I know. I know.
Just a rhetorical question.

I wish the MSM had a sense of irony. Actually, I would settle for a sense of 'truth'.
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JoMama49 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 12:55 AM
Response to Original message
28. Citizens for Legitimate Government Also Reporting This .....
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mdb Donating Member (398 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:11 AM
Response to Original message
34. I wonder if the Repubs are going to want those newly found votes?
Edited on Wed Dec-22-04 01:24 AM by mdb
Then we'll see who the real Flip floppers are!
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:19 AM
Response to Original message
35. 100+ News Outlets pickup AP Wire Story
Over 100 news outlets have picked up this AP Wire Story in less than an hour.

I wouldn't be suprised to see this on page one tomorrow.
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RaulVB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:29 AM
Response to Original message
37. Hey, Dino, my boy:
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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:42 AM
Response to Reply #37
42. "We are not releasing our results until tomorrow at 3:30 p.m., (Wed) -drat

Dems: Wash. Recount Puts Gregoire on Top

21 minutes ago

Add to My Yahoo! Top Stories - AP

By REBECCA COOK, Associated Press Writer

OLYMPIA, Wash. - The head of the state Democratic Party said late Tuesday that recount results from King County give Democrat Christine Gregoire an eight-vote victory in the closest governor's race in state history.

AP Photo

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Neither King County nor the Republican party could confirm the hand recount results on Tuesday night. But if the Democrats' analysis is correct, it's a stunning reversal in the gubernatorial race, which has been hotly contested ever since election day.

Republican Dino Rossi won the first count by 261 votes and won a machine recount by 42 votes, out of 2.9 million ballots cast. The hand recount did not include the 700-plus ballots cast in heavily Democratic King County that could widen any Gregoire lead if the state Supreme Court allows them to be counted.

"We're confident Christine Gregoire has been elected the governor of the state of Washington," Democratic Chairman Paul Berendt said. "I believe Dino Rossi should concede."

Berendt and Democratic party officials reached their conclusion after crunching numbers supplied by King County. The county has finished tallying its 900,000 ballots, but election officials said they still need to reconcile differences in the precinct totals......

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Red State Blues Donating Member (229 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 01:58 AM
Response to Original message
44. This is great!
Now does Gregoire get her recount money back?

I'm 99% sure that the answer is "no".

That stinks, YOU fuck up tabulating the true will of your own citizens.

I jump through all sorts of hoops, and have to put up a buttload of money so that YOU will correct YOUR "mistake".

YOU get to keep the money!

Yes, son, anyone can grow up to be president. Just get a couple of hundred million for the campaign, another 50 Million or so for the recount and some good dirt on the Supreme Court might come in handy! What a country!
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KellyW Donating Member (539 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:06 AM
Response to Reply #44
53. In fact if we win
We do get the money back. The counties have to pick-up the tab.
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Red State Blues Donating Member (229 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:26 AM
Response to Reply #53
60. Awesome!
I did not know that. I guess I look like an idiot now.
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tandem5 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:00 AM
Response to Original message
45. don't get your hopes up too soon...
ahhh what the hell... I'm doing a little dance.
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:04 AM
Response to Original message
46. It's 'High Noon' in King County.
I'm afraid that this is just the beginning. Expect them to fight and lie and fight.

It's far from from over. (but I hope that I'm wrong)
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idealista Donating Member (85 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:05 AM
Response to Original message
47. might provide a future rallying cry for get-out-the vote
to counter the usual inertia and people saying their vote won't matter - governorship decided by 8 votes! I'm sure glad there weren't 8 more democrats with bad colds that day.
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TexasLawyer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:26 AM
Response to Original message
48. Repubs Cry Foul
Here's the take on Gregoire's victory at, which is still up despite Bush's "impressive mandate." (The site's proofreader must have been on a coffee break). I guess fraud is only acknowledged if it works against a Repub.

Every Vote Counts - Even If You Have to "Find" Them Weeks Later

The shenanigans in the Washington recount defy explanation. It seems the Democrat Christina Gregirore has won by 8 votes after a hand recount, and after Republican Dino Rossi had one the first two counts. Remember the margin of error came from highly Democratic King County (Seattle area). These crooks have no shame. If you want to know how the Democrats manipulate such results in a recount, read the fascinating book Means of Ascent which is perhaps one of the most compelling books ever written and specifically details how Lyndon Johnson literally stole the 1948 Senate election in the Texas primary by "discovering" just over 200 votes, all of which were cast by people who just happened to have voted in alphabetical order, which is similar to some "found" ballots in King County.

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New Earth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:30 AM
Response to Reply #48
49. wtf?
wtf is wrong these people? if you run a fair and honest election and don't try to hide votes, and COUNT THEM ALL THE FIRST TIME, then there will be no votes to 'find'.

COUNT THEM ALL THE FIRST TIME, is it really that hard to comprehend???? :hi: :hi: :hi:

:crazy: :think: :hi: :grr:
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:32 AM
Response to Reply #48
50. It's amazing...
how many R*s are calling it "fraud" only an hour after the story hit the wire.

They are organized, watching, ready and should not be underestimated.
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Hamoth Donating Member (292 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:14 AM
Response to Reply #48
I KNOW many of the people on that list and rallied with them on Sunday. That writers claims are 100% crap. Nobody is disputing that these ballots are from legitimate voters.
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:40 AM
Response to Original message
51. Governor's race heads to Supreme Court
Governor's race heads to Supreme Court

Associated Press

WHAT HAPPENED: Democratic State Party Chairman Paul Berendt said
late Tuesday that King County's hand recount will give Democrat
Christine Gregoire an eight-vote victory statewide over Republican
Dino Rossi.

HOW HE KNOWS: Berendt said party workers analyzed data that King
County provided to both parties, with the results from the hand
recount in every precinct. They also tallied results from Tuesday's
county canvassing board meeting, in which members decided on 320
ballots with questionable voter intent.

THE CAVEATS: King County and the Republicans have the same data, but
they're keeping mum. County officials say they will reconcile the
recount results with precinct data before reporting the official
results on Wednesday afternoon. Republicans say it's too close to

THOSE OTHER VOTES: The preliminary recount results announced Tuesday
don't include the 723 newly discovered ballots in King County. The
Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments Wednesday on whether
the county should be allowed to count those ballots.

WEDNESDAY: The Supreme Court hears the case at 9:30 a.m. The hour-
long hearing will be broadcast live on TVW, channel 23 on most cable

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EndElectoral Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:06 AM
Response to Original message
52. terrific...just in time for the Evening News EST
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ZRB Donating Member (229 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:10 AM
Response to Original message
54. I hope this is true.
Then I can think back to Rossi's victory party and laugh my fucking ass off.

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zann725 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:17 AM
Response to Original message
57. Washington is "blue," Pukes! Face it, get over it, move on!
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:20 AM
Response to Original message
58. In the Northwest: A governor's race full of partisan sound and fury

In the Northwest: A governor's race full of partisan sound and fury


Well-placed Democrats were privately predicting last night that the
hand recount in King County will give Chris Gregoire a tiny lead,
with the county yet to count disputed ballots being fought over in

Not so long ago, Republican State Chairman Chris Vance was
excoriating the Democrats for going to court
over the recount.

"King County is doing the right thing by including Democrats and
Republicans in the counting process, and I am amazed that Christine
Gregoire has the gall to challenge this plan in the state Supreme
Court," Vance declared.

At another point, Chairman Vance reiterated his antipathy to post-
election lawyering: "John Kerry did the right thing by choosing not
to drag the presidential election into court.
Slade Gorton made the
same choice in the 2000 election. I hope Christine Gregoire will
follow their example."

Yet, the election is back before the Supreme Court today.

It is the Republicans who have gone to court to stop King County
from counting 735 ballots discovered during the second recount.

The voters played by the rules. County election workers rejected
their ballots due to erroneous belief there were no matching
signatures by which to verify the ballots.

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freeplessinseattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:21 AM
Response to Original message
59. Hallelujah!! The shoe's on the other foot now, ha, we are a blue state
barely, dammit, no way could I tolerate living under the reign of that smug freaky Rossi, at least I can take some comfort in this race.
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Daybreaker Donating Member (30 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:53 AM
Response to Reply #59
61. Still waiting to exhale.
But man, am I looking forward to the end of this roller coaster ride.

I'm very glad Gregoire is ahead now. After the court inexplicably decided not to count those other votes, I was worried that we would have yet another situation where we knew that the voters wanted a Democrat but we had to put up with a Republican anyway.

And y'know what, I'm still worried. But this is an object lesson. Even when all hope seems lost, there's still a chance.
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pa28 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 04:00 AM
Response to Reply #59
62. After so much disappointment over the last month.
Savor this one like wine.

8 votes. Get over it Rossi.
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ZRB Donating Member (229 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 04:20 AM
Response to Reply #59
64. Damn right!
Gregoire's victory will give the democrats complete control of the state government. Washington is blue!

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sepia_steel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 04:04 AM
Response to Original message
63. Best news yet.
HAhahahahahahahaha!!! Gonna be laughing at this one for a while...

Now. If only we could get corrupt judges out of the Ohio election litigation.
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Casablanca Donating Member (549 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 04:47 AM
Response to Original message
65. *And* the WA Dems get all that recount money refunded.
A nice little chunk 'o change to have around for future races. :)
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Quakerfriend Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 06:49 AM
Response to Reply #65
68. 3 cheers for WA!
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melwoods Donating Member (58 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 05:02 AM
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66. 8 votes?
By the chimp's standards, that's a mandate!:)
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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 05:09 AM
Response to Reply #66
67. lol, melwoods!
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in_cog_ni_to Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 07:44 AM
Response to Reply #66
73. Funny!
She should say that in her first her acceptance speech. Throw it in the chimp's face. Make them eat them there words! :bounce:
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fasttense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 06:58 AM
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69. This story was on AOL this morning
I can't believe it. Three stories concerning vote fraud were on the AOL news bulletin. Of course they reported that 350 protesters for the Repugs were out. How come when they get 350 people out they get press and when we get twice that we get nary a mention. Oh well the media has always sided with the establishment.
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GOPGoindown Donating Member (55 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 07:19 AM
Response to Original message
70. Here's an idea
Gregoire should initiate her transition team and begin announcing her department administrators ala Bush** 2000.

Twist the shiv a bit.

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dzika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 07:27 AM
Response to Reply #70
71. Good idea.
She should also immediately attack Fallujah.
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Casablanca Donating Member (549 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 07:32 AM
Response to Reply #70
72. I heard that both Rossi and Gregoire were doing that ...
Edited on Wed Dec-22-04 07:35 AM by Casablanca
.. right after the election. It seems to be de rigeur tactics in this age of razor-thin election margins and election hacking.

What Gov. Gary Locke *should* do is hold a press conference with Gregoire (no Repugs) in the governor's office in Olympia right after the 3:30 pm announcement today - to give her governor-elect status the required impression of inevitability. Of course, Gregoire and Locke should then call on Rossi to do the right thing for the state and concede. It will be the only thing for him to do when the WA State Supreme Court rules that the 700+ excluded King Co. ballots be added to the count.

Locke is generally too much of a milquetoast to do something that flamboyant and ballsy, but my understanding is that he's not planning to run for Senator or anything, so he might as well go out while spending his political capital on something useful. It may not be the politically expedient thing to do, but it's the *right* thing to do.

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in_cog_ni_to Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 07:47 AM
Response to Original message
74. Best news I've heard in ages!
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Chimpanzee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 08:22 AM
Response to Original message
75. This is just so republican!
About 350 people gathered Tuesday to show support for Rossi in front of the Supreme Court, at a rally sponsored by a conservative talk-radio station.

The crowd chanted “No more fraud!” They held signs saying “Welcome to Ukraine” and wore orange, a tribute to the signature color of demonstrators in Ukraine who protested a fraud-marred election there.

???????? What are these people thinking? Are they really that clueless? It's maddening and hilarious at the same time!

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