Mods just locked this Competition Winning entry thread:, then --lets
NOT show the winning picture.
BringEmOn won, by the way.
'Tis the season To Be Jolly....?After seven weeks of number chrunching, standard deviations
undervotes, 20 hour days, frustration, and relentless activism,
quite a few people were ready to have some Yuletide fun.They got a lotta laughs out of this competition: few didn't get the joke.
Remember laughter? Relieves frustration, cleanses the mind,
freshens the outlook and renews the spirit. Kids do it.
The reason the winning caption won is because it was the best caption: I liked this one too:

More to your taste?
Laughter: It's the Best Medicine.
A very Happy Christmas to all.

Fintan Dunne, Editor