David Corn's usually pretty good, but this information is dated. Let's get Hawaii roused. Let them know what's happening. I just sent them off a list of where Corn is uninformed. Send off you're own thoughts and information as to FACT. Let's not let them explain away this travesty. It's impressive readers are demanding that the paper cover this (it sounds from the tone of the letters that we may have a Hawaiian resident among us.)
Honolulu Weekly
Voter fraud or flawed elections?
The e-mails keep pouring in. Please investigate voter fraud! Here’s evidence the Republicans stole the election! We’re watching you cover the election irregularities! A number of Americans—is the number growing?—believe George W. Bush only won the election because the voting was somehow rigged. And each day they disseminate via e-mail what they consider to be proof—or, at the least, reasons to be suspicious.
David Corn
December 15, 2004
There is good cause to worry about the integrity of a voting system that is overseen by partisan players and that relies in part upon paperless electronic voting machines that are manufactured by companies that are led by pro-GOP executives and that refuse to reveal the computer codes they use. But it’s also dangerous to declare that the potential for abuse means the system was abused to flip the results.
Exit polls that differ from reported vote counts are not necessarily proof of foul play, and statistical analyses that seem to raise questions need thorough vetting before they are waved about as signs of chicanery.
Take one of the early arguments for the “stolen election.” Shortly after E Day, a former high school math teacher named Kathy Dopp sent out a chart that showed George W. Bush faring unusually well in Florida counties that used optical-scan voting machines.
A-ha!, some folks exclaimed, this chart demonstrated the vote had been fixed. A team of political scientists led by Walter Mebane, a professor of government at Cornell, examined the votes in these counties and found they were consistent with a years-long trend of registered Democrats in rural counties voting for Republican presidential candidates. Some “stolen election” advocates disputed the findings, but the Caltech/MIT Voter Technology Project released a study that reached the same conclusion as the Mebane paper... http://www.honoluluweekly.com/cover/detail.php?id=65