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Cobb Campaign action letter -- just received this:

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StephanieMarie Donating Member (642 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 11:07 PM
Original message
Cobb Campaign action letter -- just received this:
Working to Make Every Vote Count!

From: Sheri Myers <>
TO: <>
Date: Wed Dec 22, 2004 02:57:32 PM CST
Subject: Rev. Jackson: "Don't let Santa Claus block us from a Revolution!" (& Fraud DVD deets)

That's what Rev. Jackson told us, the organizers of
the upcoming Ohio 1/03 and the DC 1/06 Voters Rights
Rallies. "We must keep the drums beating!"

I realize it may be extremely inconvenient during the
Holidays to take action on the Voter Fraud issue.
But imagine how inconvenient it is, to stand in the
cold and rain for 3 hours, then be denied the right to
vote. Then, to see your child or grandchild shipped
off to Iraq.... and not have any say in the matter.

Perhaps you feel that contesting the election is a
lost cause. Please remember that at certain critical
points in every struggle for human rights, all did
seem lost, before the tide turned. Why did it turn?
Because some people refused to give up.

We can be brave together. Come, join the citizens of
this country who do not concede the election to George
Bush. We need your support. We need you to show up,
and stand with us.

Reverend Jackson has called for a massive rally in
Columbus, Ohio on January 3. The details of time and
venue will be set later today. Go to our website: to stay abreast of all the
latest develoments. If you live in the midwest, come.
If you can hold an affinity rally in your state, do.
This rally kicks off the most important week in our
nation's history.

On Wednesday, 1/05/05, at 4:00 a,m, the 30+
Contestants against the certification of the Ohio
Electors will board a bus for D.C. They will speak
from their hearts on the steps of the Capitol, before
visiting the offices of Senators, who, we all hope,
will oppose the certification of the Bush presidency
on 1/06.

Read their petition, look at their evidence:

This is our last, best hope. Help us deliver these
valiant Ohioans to DC. Help us pay their way. We
need $10,000 immediately, to cover the costs of
transport, hotels, and meals.

I am working with We Do Not Concede to make all the
arrangements. It's not a big, wealthy coalition,
folks, it's just two moms with determination. We
have no money right now, and my stomach aches at the
thought of putting another activist action on my
credit card. But, I'm committed.

If everyone who reads this, goes immediately to and contributes at least $20...
or more... I can call Rev. Moss in Ohio and say, let
your people know we are DEFINITELY going to DC. We
can alert the media.

Those of you who received a Voter Fraud kit through
me, a lot of you got it for free, because you said you
would spread the word of the horrific Voter
Suppression in Columbus on 11/02. I am NOT wealthy!
I need support so I can keep on keeping on. Go to and donate. Order a kit, if
you don't have one, and toss in some extra $$. If
my reports from the RNC, Florida, or Ohio have kept
you clued in, or moved you in any way, come on, show
your appreciation.
I don't expect to make money at this, but I really
hate going into debt. And that's a fact. Aside from
my own expenses, I've got to raise $$ for our hip hop
CD: We Do Not Concede.

Do it now, don't let Santa Claus stomp out the work we
are trying to do. Your patriotic elves are toiling
away at their keyboards, and on their phones in the
wee hours, doing everything they can to salvage this
fraudulent election.

Sheri Myers

Voter Fraud DVD presentation Wednesday, 12/22 and
Tuesday 12/28 at the Unitarian Church in Santa Monica,
7:00. See it and be changed.

Finally, if you want to assist us with the Contestors
Trip to DC on the ground, in either Columbus or DC,
let me know, ASAP.
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StephanieMarie Donating Member (642 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 11:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. kick n/t
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KaliTracy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 12:10 AM
Response to Original message
2. thanks for passing this on.
Now that I have more information, I am determined to get to Columbus on the 3rd.
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Vote4Kerry Donating Member (372 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 12:17 AM
Response to Original message
3. thanks for posting n/t
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msongs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 12:21 AM
Response to Original message
4. brother jesse love the media lights - lets hope they all
shine on him bright as the alleged xmas star :-) start spreading the news.........


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