Several people recommended that I make this a separate post, so here it is...
In Will Pitt's article on Kerry entering the fray (, note his last paragraph:
"Perhaps the most significant aspect of all this, from the activist point of view, has been the effectiveness of the telephone calls and letters to Kerry. The activist push to get him involved had a very significant effect on his decision to enter this effort. Likewise, calls to other Senators in order to convince them to join House members in challenging the election have likewise had significant effect. If such an effort continues, the activists involved will very likely see the desired result unfold."
Our efforts, in writing and calling our congressmen, ARE apparently having an effect. In addition, Will Pitt in another thread indicates that our senators have been moved by the opening scene from 9/11 and don't want a repeat. They're undoubtedly ashamed for not standing up for the rights of our African American brothers and sisters, who happen to vote for democrats at a 90% clip.
Call and write your senators, and hit the suppression/ disenfranchisement issue hard. Let's be sure to remind them of what happened in 2000 and why it's so important to not let that happen again. Below are some links with some information on these issues and some stories to get you motivated (i.e., put you in tears, get you pissed off!). And writers, it'd be great if you could post some model letters here. Thanks all, for your efforts. We will not be defeated.
Key links:
Video of African American voter suppression and disenfranchisement: /
Some diaries documenting the suppression: Some very strong words from one of our African American sisters: Some more strong words: information: