Edited on Thu Dec-23-04 01:58 PM by bush_is_wacko
Don't forget all the accidented and suicided Dems AND Rebubs that have friends left in Washington. I have not had time to post regarding this yet but I will be happy to pass on the websites and information gleaned from a somple bit of research I did as a result of this CNN article http://archives.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/10/25/politicians.plane.crashes/*********************************************************** I think there are SEVERAL politicians that have been waiting to vindicate their fallen friends! If they don't have the balls now, they probably never will, but EVIDENCE of fraud can easily lead to investigation of other crimes! This is just some of what I found. Call it :tinfoilhat: I really don't care. These people ALL have mysterious circumstances surrounding thier deaths. One of these is NOT a politician but an undercover cop who died in a plane EXPLOSION who was carrying some VERY damaging information regarding * Sr. Check it out! ................................. PLANE CRASH VICTIMS ACCIDENTED <<snip>> http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0210/S00185.htmBackground: US Politicians Killed In Plane CrashesSaturday, 26 October 2002, 8:13 pmArticle: The Scoop Editor
There are a lot more listed on this site than on the CNN list. ********************************************************
http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0877224.html <<snip>> Mel Carnahan Age: 66 highly respected governor of Missouri who was engaged in a tight race for the U.S. Senate with Republican incumbent John Ashcroft. Known as an honest, up-front politician, Carnahan died in a plane crash on the eve of the third presidential debate, which was held in St. Louis. His son, Roger, 44, and an aide, Chris Sifford, 37, also perished in the crash. Died: near St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 16, 2000
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/oct2002/well-o29.shtml The death of US Senator Paul Wellstone: accident or murder? By the Editorial Board 29 October 2002 Use this version to print | Send this link by email | Email the author <<full article>> There is a serious question about the sudden death of Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone that has no doubt occurred to many people: was Wellstone the victim of a political assassination? It is possible that there will emerge a credible explanation of the October 25 plane crash that killed Wellstone, his wife Sheila, daughter Marcia, and five others near Eveleth, Minnesota. Initial reports, however, are disturbing. None of the typical causes of a small plane accident—engine failure, icing, pilot error—appear to be involved. <<snip>>. Wellstone’s death comes almost two years to the day after a similar plane crash killed another Democratic Senate hopeful locked in a tight election contest, Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan, on October 16, 2000. The American media duly noted the “eerie coincidence,” as though it was a statistical oddity, rather than suggesting a pattern. One might say, paraphrasing Oscar Wilde, that to lose one senator is a misfortune, but to lose two senators, the same way, is positively suspicious. <<snip>> Last year two leading Senate Democrats, Majority Leader Tom Daschle and Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, were targeted for assassination with letters laced with anthrax. The federal Justice Department—headed by John Ashcroft, who lost to the deceased Mel Carnahan in the Missouri contest—has failed to apprehend the anthrax mailer. Wellstone was in a hotly contested reelection campaign, but polls showed he was beginning to pull ahead of Republican nominee Norm Coleman, the former mayor of St. Paul, in the wake of the vote in the Senate to authorize President Bush to wage war against Iraq. The liberal Democrat was a well-publicized opponent of the war resolution, the only Senator in a tight race to vote against it. More broadly, with the Senate controlled by the Democrats by a margin of 50-49, the loss of even a single seat could shift control to the Republicans. The immediate effect of Wellstone’s death is to deprive the Democrats of a majority in the lame-duck session scheduled for late November. <<snip>> Without exaggerating Wellstone’s personal significance—he was a conventional bourgeois politician and no threat to the profit system—there are enormous financial stakes involved in control of the Senate. Republican control of the Senate would make it possible to push through new tax cuts for the wealthy and other perks for corporate America worth billions of dollars—more than enough of an incentive to commit murder.
***************************************************************************************************** All sites regarding Ron Brown’s death seem to try and point a figure at the Clinton Administration. I think there might be just as much evidence of Bush family involvement.
<<snip>> On April 3, 1996, Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and 34 others were killed when their Air Force Boeing 737 crashed into a mountainside in Croatia. One day after the crash, before any real investigation had begun, Defense Secretary William Perry told the Associated Press that the plane crash was "a classic sort of accident that good instrumentation should be able to prevent." The Air Force soon agreed and, in its ensuing investigation, determined that the tragic event was due to navigational error. Since that time, certain anomalies and evidence have come to light regarding the crash: · Ron Brown was found with a .45-inch inwardly beveling circular hole in the top of his head, which resembled a gunshot wound. Despite this suspicious wound, the Air Force medical examiners decided not to order an autopsy. · Normally in plane crash investigations there is a two step process. The Air Force first determines whether the crash was the result of an accident, hostile fire, sabotage, or mechanical failure. In Ron Brown's case, this determination (called a safety board) was skipped. Instead, the Air Force immediately proceeded to the second part of the investigation, where only accident and legal issues are considered. · The Air Force reported that a navigation beacon had been stolen from the airport sometime before the crash. This led some to speculate that the pilot may have been intentionally drawn off course and into the mountainside by a spurious beacon. · Three days after the the crash, Niko Jerkic--the man who was responsible for maintaining the airport's navigational aids--died by gunshot. This was ruled a suicide. Jerkic's untimely death meant that investigators did not have a chance to question him. <<snip>> http://www.questionsquestions.net/docs0209/1101_wellstone.html Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, a Democrat, was killed in a plane crash in Croatia on April 3, 1996. There are many unresolved mysteries with this incident, not the least of which is a color photograph of a post mortem Brown, which is frequently displayed by comedian/activist Dick Gregory, clearly showing a bullet wound in the back of his skull.
Pay particular attention to Gary Caradori. He died in plane EXPLOSION . He is not on the CNN list but The allegations he was making are ASTOUNDING! <<snip>> Gary Caradori was a retired state police investigator who had been hired by the Nebraska Senate to investigate what the Washington Times called "A homosexual prostitution ring." On the morning of 1989-06-29, the Times reported, "A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite." Gary Caradori died mysteriously while investigating Lawrence E. King, Jr., (not CNN's Larry King) a very influential black Republican and close friend of George H.W. Bush. King was director of the Franklin Community Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, and was suspected of embezzling $40 million. Within weeks, the Nebraska Senate found itself questioning child prostitutes, who accused King of running a child prostitution ring. One of these children said that she saw George H.W. Bush at one of King's parties. "Pronto", a newspaper in Barcelona, Spain, reported that the scandal "appears to directly implicate politicos of the state of Nebraska and Washington DC who are very close to the White House and George Bush himself." On 1990-07-11, Gary Caradori was killed along with his 6-year old son in the crash of his small plane after a mid-air explosion, the cause of which was never discovered. He had told friends repeatedly in the weeks before his death that he was afraid his plane would be sabotaged. Caradori told Senator Loran Schmit he would fly that night from Chicago on his private plane with his son en route to Lincoln, Nebraska, with the evidence. Immediately after his death, the FBI seized and sealed all his papers. http://mindprod.com/asbestos.html *********************************************************** I can’t really find much on Heinz political life, but he is Teresa Heinz Kerry’s 1st husband! http://discostud.blogspot.com/ <<snip>> While an article in the New York Times on Saturday pointed out the danger politicians face due to their heavy air travel schedules, the death of a senator or member of Congress is still relatively rare, with only one other sitting U.S. Senator, liberal Republican John Heinz, dying in a plane crash since World War II. Heinz, who entered office as an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War, later emerged as a strong proponent of health care, social services, public transportation and the environment. He also urged reconciliation with Cuba. He died when the landing gear on his small plane failed to function, and a helicopter dispatched to survey the problem crashed into his plane. ***********************************************************************************
http://museum.lamarpa.edu/jtower.html <<snip>> In 1985, President Reagan named Tower to the post of strategic arms negotiator with the Soviet Union. The following year, he appointed Tower to chair a bipartisan committee to investigate the Iran-contra scandal. George Bush nominated Tower for Secretary of Defense in 1989, but critics claimed he had too many ties to defense contractors. His was the first rejection of a cabinet nominee in more than 30 years. Tower later published a book, Consequences: A Personal and Political Memoir, which reflects his bitterness toward those who contributed to his defeat.
Tower had a turbulent personal life, including two divorces. He had three daughters by his first wife, and his daughter Marian also died in the 1991 plane crash that killed her father in Brunswick, Georgia. However, Tower will be remembered by Texans for his long record of service not only to the Republican party but to the people who elected him. http://www.internetpirate.com/LarkinSmith.htm <<snip>> . Mississippi congressman Larkin Smith died in the blazing crash of his light plane in a densely forested area, the second member of the House killed in an air accident in a week, authorities said today. Smith, a 45-year-old Republican, threw out the first ball of the Dixie Youth World Series baseball tournament Sunday evening in Hattiesburg, Miss., then left in good weather on a 35-minute flight to Gulfport. Fifteen minutes later, witnesses heard the plane descend, its single engine still running, WLOX-TV in Biloxi reported. <<snip>> "It is my sad duty to announce the death of Congressman Larkin Smith of Mississippi's 5th District," said a shaken aide, John Walker, at a Washington news conference. Smith's death was confirmed only a day after the discovery of the wreckage of a plane carrying Rep. Mickey Leland (D-Tex.) and 15 other people. They were killed when their plane crashed in heavily forested mountainous terrain last week in Ethiopia. There is a connection here to something called the Dixie Mafia. This is a group is discussed here. There is a claim of one of it’s member’s that he was approached to kill Larkin. Again they try to tie this to Clinton, but there is strong indication of a Bush tie in. The Larkin “accidented” occurred long before Clinton was in office. In fact George H.W. Bush was in office at the time. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a38a7958f0fa9.htm <<snip>> http://www.questionsquestions.net/docs0209/1101_wellstone.html Rep. Larkin Smith, D-Miss. was killed in a private plane crash in 1989. At the time he had been working with veterans of U.S. Army Special Forces looking into the deaths of five Green Beret colonels, all of whom had been connected to a covert CIA drug operation known as Watchtower.
http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/first100/937450 <<snip>> "Mickey Leland and the other members of his traveling party, both American and Ethiopians, were engaged in a noble cause -- trying to feed the hungry," President Bush said.
This is just a strange little tidbit I ran across that sort of ties in another accidented Democrat. http://www.theradicaltruth.com/Prophetic/84-no-god-only-devil-w.htm <<snip>> There is no God, only a devil, and we humans play God to defeat the devil. taking Ron Brown's plane crash death especially hard, because the guy had previously worked for plane crash victim Mickey Leland!] <<snip>> Ron Brown, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, was killed in a 1996 plane crash while on a trade mission to Bosnia. Mickey LeIand, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, died in a 1989 plane crash while traveling to visit an Ethiopian refugee camp.
<<snip>> http://www.questionsquestions.net/docs0209/1101_wellstone.html
Rep. Larry McDonald, D-Ga. and the national chairman of the John Birch Society and creator of a private intelligence operation called Western Goals, was killed on KAL 007 after it had mysteriously veered off course on a flight to South Korea and ventured several hundred miles into Soviet territory. The plane was shot down by the Soviet air force. At the time, McDonald's Western Goals was being exposed in an LAPD intelligence scandal linked to massive domestic spying, the CIA and covert operatives …
This is a rather extensive article about McDonald. One thing very interesting is that his widow claims it was no accident. http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Who%20Killed%20Larry%20McDonald.html "While the government has made no such charge, McDonald's widow claims that her husband, the national chairman of the John Birch Society, was 'murdered.' She holds that it was no accident that 'the leading anti-Communist in the American government' had been on a plane that was 'forced into Soviet territory' and shot down."
http://mindprod.com/asbestos.html <<snip>> Litton won the primary on 1976-08-03. That evening, Litton, his wife and children were killed when their plane crashed en route to a victory celebration in Kansas City.
http://www.umsystem.edu/whmc/Mohist/aug3.html <<snip>> In his four years in the United States House of Representatives, Jerry L. Litton accomplished as much as many congressmen do in their extended careers. A successful cattle rancher, he advocated the rights of farmers and all hardworking citizens. Often referred to as a "breath of fresh air in Washington," Litton impressed his colleagues with his honesty and his political incorruptibility. House majority leader Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neal claimed that in his twenty-two years in Congress he had never been more impressed by a freshman congressman than by Jerry Litton. <<snip>> Rather than running for reelection to the House in 1976, Litton decided to seek the seat of retiring U.S. Senator Stuart Symington. He handily defeated the incumbent's son, James Symington, and former governor Warren Hearnes in the Democratic primary on August 3, 1976. The same evening, Litton, his wife, and their two children died in a plane crash just after takeoff from Chillicothe Airport en route to a victory celebration in Kansas City
Apparently Litton had some connection to Watergate <<snip>> The office files, arranged alphabetically by type of material, show the workings of Litton's Washington office. Included is material on subjects such as agriculture, federal grants, flood control and water conservation, Watergate, the energy crisis of 1973, and the economy. These topics were of local and national interest, and the material was used to compose letters to constituents. Not much information out there about this one. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/02/280706.shtml <<snip>> February 14, 1975: California Rep. Jerry Pettis (R). Pettis died when his plane crashed into a mountain near Beaumont, California. His wife, Shirley N. Pettis Roberson, replaced in the House five days later. "People come up to you, with little pieces of memorabilia about your husband, and they mean to show their deep regret in losing him," Pettis Roberson said in a telephone interview from her home in California. "I had to steel myself against tears, because I thought if I cried now, I would cry forever." http://www.check-six.com/lib/Famous_Missing/Boggs.htm <<snip>> At the time, this was the biggest search in the history of the country, involving 40 military and 20 civilian aircraft. Everything from Coast Guard helicopters and cutters, to Air Force spy aircraft, as well as numerous private aircraft. After thirty-nine days the air search was abandoned.
Again another sneaky Clinton reference. How old was Clinton in 1972. this site contains supposed US Coast Gaurd documents in the case. One refers to sighting of the plane w/ to POB’s “ALIVE”. I’m assuming POB is “people on board,” <<snip>> Some of the other interesting points surrounding the disappearance include; Boggs was taken to the airport for the first leg of the trip by a young democrat named Bill Clinton who later, as President, appointed Congressman Boggs' wife, Lindy, to the position of US Ambassador to the Vatican after she served eighteen years in the Congress after her husband's disappearance. Boggs also served on the Warren Commission that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Some web sites and conspiracy theorists have reported that Boggs wasn't happy with the commission's findings and was pushing for the investigation to be reopened at the time of his death. However, according to his daughter Cokie Roberts, the nationally known television journalist, she told listeners to a talk radio show in April 2004 that her father had no problems with the commission's finding that he was not pushing for the investigation into the Kennedy assassination to be reopened. She said, "I just don't know where people get these ideas from." The host replied, "The Internet."