I may be W-A-A-Y off base here but did the Warren County re-counters get snookered?
According to
http://votecobb.org/recount/ohio_reports/counties/warren.php"Four precincts were selected, with 3602 total votes, more than the required 3%. (3.8%)"The counties were:
#21 Mason City East B (826 total votes)
#33 Clear Creek Twp East B (1,143 votes)
#150 Deerfield Twp West A (789 votes)
#151 Mason City NE B (844 votes)
but the number of votes doesn't match the number of votes reported for those precincts.
It matches the number of registered VOTERS but NOT the number of votes.According to
http://www.co.warren.oh.us/bdelec/search/votingresults/canvass_results_publish.asp , the ACTUAL numbers for those precincts are:
#21 Mason City East B
(565 total votes) MAS C EB AAV
#33 Clear Creek Twp East B
(993 votes) CLC T EA ABJ
#150 Deerfield Twp West A
(626 votes) DEF T W ACK
#151 Mason City NE B
(664 votes) MAS C NEB AFU
for a total of 2848 actual ballots cast, which, based on the 95512 total ballots cast falls short of the 3% figure.
(Even IF the 3% number was to be based on the number of registered voters, the figure is STILL in error since there were 125165 registered voters.)
Again from the recount site:
"Eventually all precincts were reconciled with both the machine count taken today, and with the certified result reported to the State."Well, if they reconciled with the 3602 number then something happened to those decks, 'cuz, as I see it, according to the final tallies, there were only 2848 actual ballots cast in those precincts.
Someone PLEASE check my numbers, and tell me if I'm nuts.........