Whether dummying up fake absentee ballots, which I think was done in Ohio -- it appears hundreds were cast in one examination, but there were not matching requests for those ballots.
Or, just adding fake electronic ballots can be done too.
That would begin to explain how you could "get" 98% turnout.
Or, you can just select a pile of ballots and run them through the counter again. Like here:
Some ballots counted twice
Discovery raises further doubt about close treasurer race
Originally published Tuesday, November 16, 2004
The News-Messenger (central Ohio)
http://www.thenews-messenger.com/news/stories/20041116/localnews/1601347.htmlSandusky County elections officials discovered some ballots in the Nov. 2 election were counted twice.
The finding further emphasizes the fact that the 49-vote lead Republican challenger Irma Celestino has over Democratic incumbent Anna Senior isn't the final word. That race will be decided when provisional, military or remade ballots are counted and the official count is taken Thursday. It is not known how much of an impact it might have had on any other unofficial count.
Barb Tuckerman, director of the Sandusky County Board of Elections, said when she reviewed election information Nov. 8 she discovered the mistake. "Clyde had 131 percent voting," Tuckerman said. "That's not possible. I knew there was something amiss." After reviewing the computer discs used to store precinct tallies, officials came to the conclusion that some ballots in nine precincts were counted twice.
The mistake may have occurred when counted ballots were stacked with those waiting to be counted, Tuckerman said. Senior said she learned about the mishap when she stopped by the office to pick up a cell phone she'd left there. MORE