(sorry if this has been previously posted)
Patterns supporting "Set to Default Republican" in Florida (there were a lot more such cases)
Palm Beach County (these are out of close to 1000 EIRS reports per county of all types)
013490 10/21/04, 10:40 AM PST Machine problem Royal Palm Beach Meeting Hall, 1050-A Royal Palm Beach Blvd, Royal Palm Beach, Palm Beach County County, Florida Woman went to vote and used electronic voting machine. The two presidential candidates' names came up on the screen, Bush was first and Kerry second. She said she carefully clicked on Kerry but the check mark appeared next to Bush's name. She called someone over to help her and that woman told her to check on the mistaken check mark and it would remove the check mark. Then she could try again and check on Kerry's name. She did and it worked the second time. She was concerned that it took her two times to get her vote right
017826 10/30/04, 9:33 AM PST Machine problem Palm Beach County, Florida Caller voted for a presidential candidate, but when recap showed up it showed the incorrect presidential vote (she voted for Kerry and it showed up as Bush). She got a volunteer to help her, but wanted to file a comlaint.
017827 10/30/04, 9:08 AM PST Registration-related problem Palm Beach County, Florida Caller had not received her voter registration card. She called county BOE and confirmed her registration but they refused to mail her a voter registration card when she asked for one. She wanted to do early voting in case they gave her problems. Also reported that she heard on the news that when you push the button for Kerry on the voting machine, it comes up Bush.
018569 10/31/04, 11:45 AM PST Machine problem Palm Beach Co. County, Florida Two voters, voting early, used electronic voting machine. They chose John Kerry for president but when they reviewed their choices before submitting their ballots, they found that George Bush was selected instead and they couldn't change the choice.
021614 11/01/04, 10:06 AM PST Machine problem South County Elections Office, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida Machine problem -- only let you vote for Bush
031377 11/02/04, 6:42 AM PST Machine problem Delray, Palm Beach County, Florida Couple voted for Kerry -- when confirmed vote, came out Bush. Called in eleciton poll supervisor, who got same result. Continued to use machine.
039328 11/02/04, 11:30 AM PST Machine problem Palm Beach County, Florida - if you select Kerry on the machine the final screen says you selected Bush
039396 11/02/04, 11:34 AM PST Machine problem Pines of Boca Borwood, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida - Tried 9-10 times to cast your presidential vote. Kept up checking wrong and delete (Bush). Happened with several voters - poll workers said he was hittin bush with other fingers - poll worker checked cables and said "hit very hard" finally registered correctly. Caller did not advance until correct vote registered - summery screen beffore voter cast showed correct vote - after "wrestling" with machine
052639 11/04/04, 12:51 PM PST Machine problem Wells Recreation Center, Riviera Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Person is reporting that someone he knows voted for Kerry using touch schrren machine but the summary of the vote showed that he voted for Bush.
055458 11/11/04, 8:22 AM PST Machine problem 345 S Congress, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida Went to vote for Kerry and Bush popped up immediately. I called for help. Woman/precinct worker told him to touch screen for Bush and it popped up again for Kerry. Successfully voted for Kerry on second time trying. No
055464 11/11/04, 8:27 AM PST Machine problem Country Club Rd & Military, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Computer had him "stumped". No instruction on how to change an incorrect vote. If there is a wrong choice, there is no explicit option to change it.
055477 11/11/04, 8:45 AM PST Registration-related problem; Machine problem Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida 1. Wanted to vote for refunds - came up as against refunds 2. Daughter was registered as newly registered, not 18 until 11/28/04. 3. Husband voted for Kerry came up for next person not Bush - was ask to change it
55842 11/12/04, 6:29 AM PST Machine problem First Christian Church, Palm Beach County, Florida Voter touched "Kerry" and Bush's name registered. I called poll worker and she told me how to erase Bush's name. We know of three today - maybe more
055860 11/12/04, 6:54 AM PST Machine problem 345 S. Congress, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida Went to vote for Kerry and Bush popped up. Immediately called for help. Woman/precinct worker told him to touch screen on Bush and it popped up again for Kerry. Sucessfully voted for Kerry on second time
055880 11/12/04, 7:21 AM PST Other Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida Wanted to vote for referenda - came up against referenda. Daughter was registered. She's not 18 until 11-28-04. Husband voted for Kerry came up for next person (not Bush). He was able to change it.
055485 11/11/04, 8:59 AM PST Machine problem Banyon Creek Elem. School, Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Selected John Kerry/ green check came up in George Bush's name. Called over poll worker and they got creen to read John Kerry. She stated "it made me wonder if the machines are rigged."
055637 11/11/04, 12:27 PM PST Machine problem 900 N Seacrest, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida While voting for Presidential candidate Kerry - had problems with accessing his name. Bush's name kept popping and taking "priority". On the review however it showed Kerry so voter completed vote.
055454 11/11/04, 8:12 AM PST Machine problem Boyton Beach St. John's Baptist Church, Boyton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Caller has difficulty reading, so she invited me to accompanyher into the voting booth. Three times she touched the Kerry/Edwards frame on her screen and the machine did not highlight her selection. She was only able to correct this on the final screen that listed her selections. teh "change" directions were very small and easy to miss at the top of the screen. Caller was able to vote for Kerry/Edwards usiing this screen. Which directed her back to the original screen presidential vote screen. This time the machine accepted her selection.
highly Dem Precinct
018588 10/31/04, 12:09 PM PST Long lines 240 S. Military Trail, Supervisor of Elections Bldg. West Palm Beach, FL (561-656-6200, Palm Beach County, Florida There are 14 eletronic voting machines at the polling place, but only 4 are in use. The result has been long lines requiring voters to wait 2-3 hours to cast their (early) ballots. Wants to know what can be done to get them to use other 10 voting machines.
Broward County
046394 11/02/04, 3:53 PM PST Machine problem Sunrise, Broward County, Florida Machine changed candidate he was voting for (3rd machine from right, precinct 17M) Kerry highlighted, on review saw Brown(?) for president. Asked poll worker for help and poll worker had him start over. Voted successfully 2nd time.
046528 11/02/04, 3:59 PM PST Machine problem Hollywood Hills Alliance Church, Hollywood Hills, Broward County, Florida Voted for Kerry but machine showed Bush.
046762 11/02/04, 4:07 PM PST Machine problem Veteran's Park, Broward County, Florida One machine; told by Kerry monitor that when people voting for Kerry push "summarize". Anaother candidate's anme shows up. Poll workers said, "didn't push hard enough." Said tech repairman has been dispatched.
047099 11/02/04, 4:19 PM PST Machine problem Oakland Park City Hall, Broward County, Florida A person informed me of a friend who voted. The completed screen (precinct unknown) on the "review ballot" page wrongly stated that the voter had voted for Bush when the voter had selected Kerry. The voter reported this to an election official who responded, "Yes, that machine has been doing that all day."
047606 11/02/04, 4:41 PM PST Machine problem St. James Baptist Missionary CHurch 500 N.W. 21st Ave., Broward County, Florida After voter voted for Kerry, and when they tried to move to the next screen, if heel of hand brushed against screen, which was apaprently happening, vote switched to Nader and got cast for Nader. Kerry Poll Watcher said some had been caught and corrected, but who knows about all. Poll worker not helpful to EP mobile attorney. Was iVotronic machine
048073 11/02/04, 4:53 PM PST Machine problem Deerfield Beach Housing Authority, Broward County, Florida Voter noticed that the wrong choices appeared as she reviewed her selection. No
048091 11/02/04, 4:54 PM PST Machine problem Pembroke Pines, Pembroke Pines, Broward County, Florida #1 machine @ Charter School, Pembroke Rd., woul dnot give choices for senators or representatives. Machine simply cut off mid-vote. Machine very slow. Asked for help, poll worker wouldn't let her explain problem; just said, "you're finished, press the red button."
053430 11/05/04, 11:20 AM PST Machine problem Somerset Condominiums Clubhouse, 2845 Somerset Dr., Ft. Lauderdale, Brower County, Florida Voter voted for Kerry; when she reviewed the ballot it showed that she voted for Bush. Poll worker said that has been happening to many others.
055080 11/10/04, 10:11 AM PST Machine problem 69 R, Ft. Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida Voter pressed "Kerry" on machine, but another name was indicated on the summary page. Voter was able to review & change the vote satisfactorily
055396 11/11/04, 6:39 AM PST Machine problem Deerfield Beach Housing Authority, Deerfield Beach, Broward County, Florida Upon reviewing her ballot before casting her vote, the voter noticed that "Bush/Cheney" appeared even though she had chosen "Kerry/Edwards".
056831 11/13/04, 10:37 AM PST Machine problem 3720 Oakland Pk Blvd, Lauderdale Lakes, Broward County, Florida Unknown name came up on review screen, Walter F. Browne - after Kerry selected. Asked for help from election's worker, who suggested he do it over. He retried, got same result, and finalized vote without accurate screen.
055016 11/10/04, 9:21 AM PST Machine problem 841 Dixie HIghway, Broward County, Florida The choices for state and county races never came up on the computer screen. Could not vote for Congress, state senate, state rep., county commissioner.
055055 11/10/04, 9:49 AM PST Machine problem Daniels, Dania, Broward County, Florida At review screen, selection changed from Kerry to Bush "before my eyes" as voter pushed red button just before. Voter filed complaint with Kerry lawyer in polling place and told poll worker of problem, who said, "nothing could be done."
055103 11/10/04, 10:26 AM PST Machine problem St George Community, Ft Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida I voted for Kerry and after the screen ask me to write in my vote. I ask a poll worker to assist me. The pollworker ask the repairman and I was allow to vote.
055066 11/10/04, 9:57 AM PST Machine problem Ft. Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida 3 or more women told person they voted "down the street" (precinct 39V) from the post office at 4429 Hollywood Blvd. They voted for Kerry but the name Bush came up on the sceen at the end, when they voted, when vote was processed
054994 11/10/04, 9:07 AM PST Machine problem 3M Roarke Hall, Sunrise, Broward County, Florida Voted for "Castor" on electronic screen, but "Martinez" came up on summary screen. Told poll worker, but is worried that machine is not working.
Dade County
029974 11/02/04, 5:54 AM PST Machine problem Miami Park Elementary - , Miami, Miami Dade County, Florida Aduio only provides opportunity to vote for Bush - no other persons offered.
043451 11/02/04, 3:52 PM PST Machine problem MIami-Dade County, Florida Voters selected Kerry and machine recorded Bush
048269 11/02/04, 5:07 PM PST Machine problem no address given, Miami-Dade County, Florida Says brother told him he voted for Kerry on electronic machine and machine recorded vote for Bush.
058116 11/16/04, 12:21 PM PST Machine problem Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida Andrea called to pass on anecdotal information that this happened; she has no first-hand information...voter machines would select wrong candidate when voter selected J. Kerry - G. Bush would be selected.
058013 11/16/04, 8:08 AM PST Machine problem; Disability access problem Miami Park Elementary, Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida Visually impaired voter. Did not receive screen only headphone. Head phones only gave option for Bush-Cheyney for President.
058213 11/17/04, 10:47 AM PST Machine problem Covenant Palms, Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida When voter pushed button for Kerry, Bush came up on the screen.
058329 11/17/04, 5:22 PM PST Machine problem 1st United Methodist Church of Southern Miami, 6565 Red Road, Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida Voter attempted to vote for Kerry and ballot showed vote for Bush instead; she left poll; she tried to clear it and it wouldn't clear; so she cast vote with Bush instead showing.
055833 11/12/04, 5:50 AM PST Absentee-ballot related problem; Voter Intimidation Curtis Parks, Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida A woman with the Bush Campaign came to the dining hall of Alapata Orlando Urra Community Center and gave out absentee ballots to a number of older women. The individual who provided the ballot said they would complete the ballot for each woman and then did so. The campaign workers had on Bush Campaign buttons. They were at the cafeteria several times. Some of the older woman wanted to vote for Kerry, but the individual insisted on voting for Bush. Workers also visited an apartment building named Santa Clara on 20th Ave & 12th Street. Many other cafeterias were visited as well.
Pinellas County (Kerry)
039531 11/02/04, 11:37 AM PST Machine problem Pinellas County, Florida Voter selected Kerry and the voting machine showed that they had selected Bush - it took her many tried to correct.
Hillsboro County(Kerry)
049616 11/02/04, 5:59 PM PSTVoter Intimidation; Provisional ballot problemCuban Civic Center Memorial Highway, Tampa, Hillsborough County, FloridaVoter not yet on rolls. Voted by provisional ballot @ 2 PM. Asked to provide name, address, DOB on outside on envelope with ballot. Envelope also had space for phone number marked optional. Poll worker said he had to enter phone number even though she did not want to. At 5 PM, voter received a phone call at the # written on the envelope asking for her by name (even though it was her mother's phone number). Caller asked voter who she voted for on provisional ballot. The voter and her mother used #69 to get the caller's ID- (813) 854-5955 050221 11/02/04, 6:35 PM PSTOther ballot-related problemTampa, Hillsboro County, FloridaWhen caller got to the end of voting electronically to confirm who she voted for, one of the candidates showed in red. She tried to correct it by backing up, it told her that she hasn't voted for anyone in the County. She asked for help and the assistance was bad. She was not able to cast an electronic ballot (the machine spit out her card).
(Castor-U.S. Senate)
033202 11/02/04, 7:46 AM PSTMachine problemFair Oaks Recreation Center - 5019 North 34th Street , Hillsborough County, FloridaMachine (2nd on right) automatically jumped to Martinez after voter attempted to vote for Castor - machine would not let her change the vote or view her final vote summary.
10/22/04, 8:00 AM PST Machine problemSarasota County, Florida A friend of the caller was attempting to cast a vote for Betty Castor (democratic candidate for U.S. Senate from Florida) when the machine brought up names of only Republican candidates. This happened 3 times.
Voters Unite Reports
Palm Beach County
12/13/2004 Machine malfunction FL Pompano Beach. Vote for Kerry changes to Bush on the touch screen. Video of interview.