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Project CA , What Next?

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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 03:42 AM
Original message
Project CA , What Next?
All of us who volunteered on Project CA II
Please make a suggestion on how we can coordinate and continue collecting data for CA.
I think time is of essence. I signed up with US Count Votes, but it would be a shame for them to start from scratch or have duplicate information to sift through. They will be ready to start collecting data on 12/29/04
In the previous threads, now archived, we have tons of info.

To refresh our memories where we were: (we also had some more people join in after this)

“Project California” – Part II
(pre-audit phase)
Southern California Group
Team 1: Imperial; San Diego - nadinbrzezinski, Liberty Belle, mary195149, jagsd01*, MindPilot, MsLeopard;
Team 2: San Bernardino - Peace Patriot?; Riverside - Mitchtv, Ithuedk, Gelliebeans;
Team 3: Orange - masaka___, wigs, Im with rosey, Stop Shrub, genius; Los Angeles - klebean, mountebank, rumple, SoCalDemGrrl, Emillereid, TruthOutDawg, bardgal, KingoftheJungle, Niche;
Team 4: Kern; Ventura - Ojai Person, Jenn197, Emillereid ;
Team 5: Santa Barbara; San Luis Obispo - pauldp;
Southern Central California Group – NEED VOLUNTEER
Team 1: Monterey ; Fresno;
Team 2: Kings; Tulare;
Team 3: Mono; Inyo;
Team 4: Madera; Mariposa;
Team 5: San Benito; Merced;
Northern Central California Group
Team 1: San Mateo; Santa Cruz - pantouflard; San Francisco - hangloose, Polojones, Republikkkon, nodehopper, Gyre ;
Team 2: Santa Clara - Broken Acorn; Alameda - caligirl, Ignis?, darthdemocrat;
Team 3: San Joaquin; Stanislaus;
Team 4: Amador; Calaveras;
Team 5: Tuolumne; Alpine;
Northern California Group A
Team 1: Sonoma – dotcosm, chorti; Marin - ccarter84, ailsagirl,;
Team 2: Solano; Contra Costa - Ignis;
Team 3: El Dorado; Sacramento - Sieto, Gyre;
Team 4: Nevada; Placer - Sieto;
Team 5: Napa; Yolo - luxpara;
Northern California Group B
Team 1: Lake; Mendocino - ourbluenation;
Team 2: Colusa ; Glenn;
Team 3: Sutter; Yuba;
Team 4: Plumas; Sierra;
Team 5: Butte; Tehama;
Team 6: Lassen; Shasta;
Team 7: Del Norte; Humboldt; Trinity ;
Team 8: Modoc; Siskiyou;

The following will have to be reorganzied, please make suggestions as to who can do what and take over what portion of this original idea:

"1: Each group choose a coordinator. If you are currently the only person listed in your group, then this is you for the time being.
2: Each team pick a coordinator. If you are currently the only person listed in your team, then this is you for the time being.
3. Each group coordinator should check in with me via Pm or e-mail. If you do not have enough posts yet to do this, please indicate so in the thread.
4. Each team coordinator is responsible for getting the “Statement of Vote” in electronic form from their county. If the document is readily available online, please post the link in this thread with the title “SOV – County name.”
5. Each team coordinator should e-mail me directly to get a copy of a records request we need to follow-up on the Statement of Vote data. We will be more effective if each records request gets more individual attention. Any records request issues will be followed up with by me, with the assistance of an attorney group who is aware of the issue related to these records.
6. Each group coordinator should check in with me by e-mail, and I will send you better contact info. Your responsibility will be to make sure the Statement of Vote and the records mentioned in number 5 (above) get back to me.
7. I will process the data here, and import both data sets into one easy to read document.
8. Someone who can host a series of 58 excel sheets and a menu page (with links), please let me know. If not, I will order some hosting service. "

As for me, I can't even post my excel chart in full, which covers one observation for all counties: the strange phenomena of 44 counties having votes for Boxer but not for Kerry, and in fact, on the surface looks like voters went for Bush instead. I still have to study the uploading thing...
so the 58 excel sheets is way beyond me. :argh:

I created hundred some pages of individual pdf pages (prez race only) for LA County for each precinct from the LA County site, which was posted as the final. But it still needs to be transferred into Excel... during this process I found a precinct that had 4 registered voters but 3800 or so votes cast.

It would also be silly having to pay for the SOV files.

Maybe we can sort out plain data and county local observation and comments? So people unfamiliar with any particular county has a better picture?

Now that Will Pitt mentioned CA having the most non votes it is something that needs answers.

Let's get this going.

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Niche Donating Member (687 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 03:59 AM
Response to Original message
1. Geo was working on it. go to "State/CA" link

I have not gotten a message from him in some time and not seen him post. I hope he is well.
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 12:02 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Geo not on DU
don't ask why.
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 11:57 AM
Response to Original message
2. Will update the numbers with the certified of this finding
CA Secretary of State 12/5 updated a few county numbers. So I changed the numbers on my chart. Also, I found one error in my original chart: San Francisco: both Senator race numbers I put San Joaquin numbers instead. (shame on me)
Anyway, result is:
Kerry has received less votes than Boxer in 44 counties out of 58
Bush has received more votes than Bill Jones in ALL COUNTIES

Registered Democrats relative Kerry & Boxer votes total
Above 100% 17 counties 20 counties (received more votes than registered Democrats)
Above 90% 8 counties 13 counties
Above 80% 15 counties 8 counties
Above 70% 6 counties 11counties
Below 70% 12 counties 6 counties

Registered Republican relative Bush & Jones votes total
Above 100% 26 counties 5 counties (received more votes than registered Republicans
Above 90% 19 counties 20 counties
Above 80% 9 counties 16 counties
Above 70% 3 counties 11counties
Below 70% 1 counties 6 counties
Registration Data used as of 10/18/04

It seems we had a relative low turn out of Democratic voters to Republican voters?
and more other party and "decline to state" voters voting for Bush than Kerry?
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