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CNN results 2004...MY take!

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serryjw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 04:51 PM
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CNN results 2004...MY take!
Thou Kerry beat Bushit he lost 5% points on security/soccer moms. He did very well with minority voters and that shows you we are still the labor party or working class people. He did the best with young, under 30 voters so the possibility of a draft did resonate. He carried with a nice margin the income of under $50K again another sign that we are still the labor party. He carried the union vote thou sometimes I wonder if the unions are doing the job they did 40 years ago with their membership. He carried the single working woman, but not the ‘stay at home mommy’! He carried the TWO extremes in education. BUT did far better with post grad that really understood what Bushit was doing. Surprisingly he carried the ‘moderates’ very well WITHOUT moving any further to the right. He did a damn good job of new/return voters. So they ones who don’t usually vote DID get the message about Bushit. What is outrageous is he won the military vote by ONE point! Bushit the draft dodger?? The swift boat ads & the Bin laden video really had little impact on the vote. He did a good job of voters who decided in the last month.
Kerry did a bad job debunking the link b/t Iraq and Terrorism and that’s why Bushit carried that. With Chaney saying that Iraq had a link to 9-11 people still believe it. I don’t think ‘morals” is ROE or Gay marriage as much as it’s just the RW (see religious faith stat) whom are uneducated and go to church weekly. Nothing we ever say is going to bring them over so lets walk away from that 22% and let the thugs have them. The Iraq war shows the great divide. No matter how you ask the question; we believe it was/is wrong and they don’t…. THE FALSE LINK TO 9-11 is influencing their vote here. Also taxes, health care and employment are where JK failed. The core labor issues he just didn’t deliver the vote.

ABORTION. This is fascinating…55% Bushit voters still believe ROE should be legal!
Gay Right…. also fascinating…. 60% of Bushit voters believe that gay people should have marriage or civil union rights!

JK brought the nonvoter, The Gore voter and the Nader voter to the polls.

The point of this post is recent weeks with the appointment of Harry Reid and the possibility of Tim Roemer shows how out of step the DLC is. They are want to ‘soften’ out approach on the 2 divisive issues and these polls show it’s not necessary, and actually it will hurt the party. Personally speaking I cringed when JK talked about his faith. I believe the old adage that religion should not be talked about in public, it’s a private issue and should stay that way I think Jimmy Carter is the only dems that could have pulled it off and not sound uncomfortable the way Kerry did.
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Goldeneye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 05:11 PM
Response to Original message
1. Bush only won the military vote by 1%?
Link please
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serryjw Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 05:33 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Link to what?
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Goldeneye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 05:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Is there a link for the military vote thing?
Everyone's been wondering how they voted for weeks...
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