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Article: Editor for Canadian TV Observing Elec. Nite from ABC Headquarters

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Karenca Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 10:29 AM
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Article: Editor for Canadian TV Observing Elec. Nite from ABC Headquarters
.....In the morning, political director Mark Halpern presided over a conference call with all the political reporters, producers and editors. (His daily note, posted on the ABC website by 11 am, had such cult status among Washington insiders that it was the subject of a New Yorker magazine feature). He indicated that the overnight polls had given Bush a bump, but everyone remarked how downcast Bush seemed when he met the press outside a polling station near his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Did Bush know something we didn't?

The closest we came to outing ourselves was when the late afternoon exit polls began to seep out. Kerry was winning in every contested state. Not only did it look like Kerry was going to win, it looked like it wasn't even going to be close. As it turned out there was no need to be at ABC to get the inside dirt.

Revealing internal polling to outsiders was verboten anyway at ABC, but in the age of Internet bloggers the news was everywhere if you knew where to look. All ABC did was let us know it was time to start looking. We all told our newsrooms what we knew and waited for the polls to close and make it official. Paul Dolan, the ABC executive who had invited us to New York and whose office we were working it, immediately began receiving calls from newsrooms around the world. The appearance of neutrality in foreign newsrooms turned out to be as illusory as that debate at the UN. One European editor told Dolan the champagne was chilling and the corks were ready to pop.

But a funny thing happened on the way to Kerry's coronation. As the hours ticked by and the official results poured in, the numbers weren't jiving with the exit polls. Bush started strong and stayed strong. The phone stopped ringing. When ABC called Florida for Bush an hour before midnight (the exit polls had Kerry ahead), my colleagues in the foreign press looked like they had been punched in the stomach. One of them started furiously playing around with an interactive website that allowed you to click each state red or blue to tally possible Electoral College final result scenarios.....
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merh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 10:52 AM
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1. I hope this guy contacts Conyers, et al!
These bastards have got to be stopped.

thanks for the link. Merry Christmas
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goclark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 11:14 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Where are the other whistleblowers?

All we need are a few custodians or secretaries that wer around those Media War Rooms. Someone that overhead anything of worth. There must be someone because all the people that work for MSM are not die hard Republicans.

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brindis_desala Donating Member (866 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 11:54 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I posted this on another thread
The Media is in on the FIX do you expect them to indict themselves? read VOTESCAM and read between the lines. It was a patriotic journalist who leaked those early numbers
From "Newsweek"
"Bush: Some Kind of Night"
"....At headquarters in Virginia, Bushies were staring at their computer keyboards, "trying to disappear," as one aide put it. They had planned to hold a victory party that afternoon at Ireland's Four Courts, a pub around the corner from headquarters. But the place was "a morgue," the aide explained."
Some kind of night indeed..

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slay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 11:56 AM
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4. What the fuck do we have to do to get a TRUE INVESTIGATION?!?!
This country is in truly sad state when our government will not stand up against possible election fraud, and AT LEAST do an investigation. Thank you for the post, very interesting. :mad:
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 12:15 PM
Response to Original message
5. In other words, the MSM knows it smells, but none of them has
investigated why.
or have they tried and decided it was too dangerous (for the corporation) to pursue?
I any event, I was always under the impression it is the duty of journalists to ask the question "why" and get the answers, and report it to the public, since we the people, do not have the resources.
but now, we have: The net and we will get to the truth!
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Scout1071 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 12:20 PM
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6. What do WE THE PEOPLE have to freakin' do to see the raw data?
This is getting ridiculous. We all sat there on Nov 2nd and watched state after state go towards Kerry. Not just the hotly contested swing states such as OH, but even some of the states they thought were a * lock. I remember sitting with some friends in a bar in Kansas City and cheering wildy (about 75% of the bar anyway) when the MO results came up and showed Kerry ahead! We were so pumped because in the final 6-8 weeks of the campaign, the Dems had given up any hope they would win the state and backed off. I wrote them and told them to stick with it because I was seeing K/E stuff everywhere. I also remember Chris Matthews live that night saying that it looked as though Virginia would go to Kerry and if that happened, it was going to be a very long night for *. So, it wasn't just swing states going to Kerry. He was winning in a fairly substantial way. Also, I can remember around 10PM CST that night that they showed line after line - around the block - in Ohio still waiting to vote. NONE OF THESE LINES WERE IN REPUG districts, yet somehow this is the time that the vote swung for *? How in the fuck does that happen? Kerry's lead should have gotten larger.
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Al-CIAda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 03:10 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. "Perverse panderers who determine the content of what's on TV"
The perverse panderers who determine the content of what's on TV have a very evil double standard. They are perfectly willing to publicize horrors by those whom they consider the enemy, but absolutely unwilling to apply these standards of journalism to their allies, those they consider their friends. Consequently, they have no integrity. And as a result, neither do we.

And also as a result, America has turned into a nation of psychopathic killers, abetted by a comatose populace which endorses these crimes by their sadistic inattention to them.

My reflections on these matters derive from a simple contemplation of today's American media performance. Most Americans think they know what's going on simply by watching the evening news, or reading a local newspaper. Some of the hipper folks think they get real perspective from public television or listening to National Public Radio — maybe they even read a Howard Zinn book now and then — and inwardly congratulate themselves on their savvy news acumen.

In fact, the volume of American war crimes and other atrocities that go unmentioned by American media has reached unprecedented proportions. And yet, with each new lie told by our leaders covering up new atrocities perpetrated by the American military, the American people are driven deeper into a self-inflicted coma — in large part because our media do not recognize these events as real, creating a situation in the minds of the American people that if they are not reported on television, then they must not really be true.

This is where evolution has taken us — to a totally brainwashed delusion.

And as many people now already realize, this is a sure formula for disaster, quite possibly for the end of the world. Because when you lie to yourself, you give up your chance of ever finding the truth.

Think about what hasn't been on television, but what you know to be real from what you've read by searching out alternative news sources on the Internet. The stolen election is the hot topic right now. There is no question that a nationwide network of highly-paid Republican flunkies skewed the voting process in a number of states. They made it as difficult as possible for black people to vote, sabotaged ballots in likely Democratic precincts, and took control of the electronic voting process so as to actually change the totals via computer in an absolutely untraceable way.

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Straight Shooter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 03:28 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. You don't have to know the TRUTH to understand you're being LIED TO
That's the problem, we know what we're seeing is most definitely not the truth, it isn't reality, it doesn't even come close.

For all the good that Americans do, individually, aside from their government, the one slogan that drives me up a wall is, "Proud To Be An American." It's all I can do to walk up and slap whoever is wearing it, up the side of the head and yell, "What the HELL are you so PROUD of?"

Rant over. It may be Christmas today, but I'm a little short on holiday cheer because everything I foresaw, is coming to pass, including the recent news that * will be requesting another $80 billion.

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Fly by night Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 05:11 PM
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9. It must be painful to be an ethical person working in the MSM these days.
It's obvious that anyone who can click a mouse today knows now that the Presidential election was stolen. There's also no reason to believe -- given the ease with which that happened -- that other races down the ticket (how far down, I wonder?) were also stolen. It is also obvious to all of us -- inside and outside the MSM -- that the raw exit poll numbers would provide irrefutable evidence of the timing and likely the mechanics of the theft. And yet, in the face of this evidence, the American media has suddenly become irrelevant to the survival of the body politic, except as "duck and cover" distraction for the most corrupt regime in our nation's history.

With that in mind, here is a letter I sent to all MSM last Thursday. I presumed that some intern or low-on-the-totem-pole staffer would read my email, so I addressed my comments to them. I titled my message, "Exit polls, exit polls. We don't need to release no steenkin' exit polls."

Might I suggest that others of you do the same thing. We need front line defections in the MSM to begin to chip away at their silent wall of shame. Let's let Sumner Redstone and Michael Eisner answer the phones in vacant office buildings soon. Here goes my letter:
"To the 'up the muddy mainstream without a journalistic integrity paddle' media:

"It must be difficult for any of you (including whichever low-on-the-totem-pole news staff person is actually reading this message) to look yourselves in the mirror these days as your networks stonewall the release of the 'raw' exit poll data to Congressman John Conyers that will prove election theft and the subversion of our democracy. Is this what you (and your parents) worked so hard to get you through college and graduate school to do -- to hide country-saving information rather than being in the forefront of informing the American people of the coup that has taken place?

"The article below summarizes what most of us feel, and what I imagine many of you feel also. No amount of personal consumerism-driven insecurity should keep you in a job that makes you complicit in this crime. Read this article, then take a break, go look at yourself in the mirror and ask 'What am I doing here?' Then go tell your boss (wherever you are on your network's food chain) that you have better things to do with your time than to work somewhere that is complicit in this election theft. And then write me back, so I can thank you personally.

(Here are the final lines of the linked piece):
"'The media is supposed to report the facts, whatever they are, not withhold them. When the media stops reporting and starts withholding, it ceases to be the media.

"'While it's frustrating that we still can't see the exit polls, let's thank the media for at least resolving one thing for us today. Now we know why we don't see stories about the election on the evening news. Their refusal to release the exit polls shows us categorically that there is a concerted effort on behalf of the major media outlets to consciously prevent the information from getting out. It's not simple oversight, and it's not because they don't think it's newsworthy. Now we know. They are withholding information from us.

"'Now that that's been resolved, we can move on to the next question: What are they hiding, and why?'
"Make your parents, all your relations, your classmates and friends who envy your current job, and the ghost of Edward R. Murrow proud today. Tell your bosses to take this slimy job and shove it. Then join the rest of us in taking our country back." (End of letter)

Thanks again to the Canadian journalist for reminding us what a truthful, honest and patriotic journalist can sound like. Maybe if this hemisphere (and planet) is to survive, we might all consider walking and talking like Canadians, 'eh? Peace, out.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 07:02 PM
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10. I'm getting a "T-Shirt Link" with "gibberish" from your you
have a better link? Thanks :-)'s
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