This is Rapp's company selling the stuff -- their words here do not reflect their product descriptions, though...
"Company Profile
Democracy. We at The Psephos Corporation believe in the ideals and principles of democracy. And it is our privilege to participate in the exercise of democracy through the vehicle of casting a ballot."
"The heart and soul of democracy is the individual's right to vote. To grapple in the arena of ideas and decidedly make one's opinion known. It's origins date as far back as ancient Greece, where the male members of society would elect officials by placing a psephos (small stone) in the proper receptacle to register their vote."
"As the 20th century draws to a close, the ideals and principles of democracy have shaped the political landscape of the world. Every independent country, with only a few exceptions, has a government that in form, if not in practice, embodies some of the principles of democracy. The simple act of placing a small stone in a box, casting a ballot and allowing ones voice to be heard, has changed the world."
"It is from that small stone which began the landslide of democracy that The Psephos Corporation derives it's name. And it is a dedication to the exercise of freedom, in the spirit of democracy, through the vehicle of casting a ballot, that we pledge our service to you." (remember they are one and the same -- Copyright 2004 Rapp Corporation is on the product page...)