Rigging the vote in Lucas County
by Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D.
http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/979December 10, 2004
Revised December 24, 2004
...The very first thing we all noticed when examining the precinct canvass records for Lucas County was the distribution of turnout. The range is striking, and turnout is distinctly higher in the Bush precincts than in the Kerry precincts. In some precincts the reported turnout is too high to be credible.
...Turnout above 90% is almost unheard of. I have examined the canvass records in eight other Ohio counties and have seen reported turnout above 90% only in two precincts in Miami County where, in my professional opinion, the election was hacked. Miami and Lucas counties are also the only two counties whose records I have examined that used optical scanning machines, as confirmed by the map posted at verifiedvoting.org/verifier/map.php?&topic_string=5std&state=Ohio.
...I also noticed that among the suburban precincts with the highest reported turnout, 4 of the top 7 are in one township, 7 of the top 10 are in two townships, and 14 of the top 25 are in three townships.
...It now becomes obvious that voter suppression in inner-city precincts has been going on for a long time.
The Republicans have it down to an art form, as described in my companion paper, “Another Third Rate Burglary.”
V. important.
kick : )