as does my husband and many others...
can be life threatening, but controlled with meds.
I have had LYME disease for over thirty years and
I believe the Bush family does also.
Short term memory loss is common in LD and GW has it.
That's all that is. His fumbling for the words...he just
has lost track...short term memory loss. I hate that part.
He is not stupid...he is impaired.
His mom and Dad have both been diagnosed with Graves
which in many circles is a differential of Lyme and their
dog died of Lupus which is also a common misdiagnosis of Lyme.
I was diagnosed CDC CRITERIA after 20 years ticks and rashes.
also Babesia....
and I take thyroid meds, etc...that is common also.
an old poll from another board..
I share many of their symptoms, but am better (not cured)
after 10 yrs of antibiotics>>>
Topic: What other syndromes/diseases have you GOTTEN due to an extended Lyme infection?
Frequent Contributor
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posted 02 February 2004 08:15
Figured a good idea to see what other peoples extended Lyme infection has TRIGGERED or caused as a secondary disease/syndrome due to an extended Lyme infection-
I currently have:
Multiple Drug Allergies
HAD an enlarged thyroid that after IV went back to normal size=off medication for it as well- (TSH remained normal) HAD 5 nodules- now not evident
and chronic hives that have now 'come back' seemingly w/ wonderful timing to my recent + w/b test and multiple symptoms yet again....
Mitral valve prolapse w/ regurgitation
Anyone else have something they feel or KNOW was most likly caused by an extended Lyme infection?
Thanks! Just curious...
-keep editing cuz ya'll are reminding me of stuff I never used to have LOLOL-
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posted 02 February 2004 08:20
cutaneous lupus or possible dermatomyositis (pos. labs for the first, and skin biopsy for the second)
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posted 02 February 2004 08:58
4 Thyroid nodules that "disappeared" after IV treatment.
Sluggish Thyroid
Hormonal Imbalances
Chronic Sinusitis
Stay positive. Smile. People care.
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posted 02 February 2004 11:01
I can not help thinking this is due to the lyme because it is so rare
an ovarian fibroma
tennis elbow(both arms)
peripherial nueropathy
muscle atrophy in legs,arms and throat
interstitial cystitis
osteo arthritis
degenerative disc disease
panic attacks
food and drug allergies and sensitivities
leaky gut
low blood pressure
pitting edeama throughout body
heart problems
editting because the memory is slow on the retrieval of 40 yrs of symtoms
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Lishs mom
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posted 02 February 2004 11:45
Fibroids (i suspect lyme too!)
Rheumatoid arthritis without the Rheumatoid factor.
Congestive heart (both my daughter and I developed this after our lyme...and babesia?) It went away for my daughter after 3 years of lyme treatment. Mine waxes and wanes.
Spine pain, leg and hand intermittent numbness
Autism (late onset they told us)- went away with treatment.
Munchausins by proxy
Chronice fatigue
Absent seizures
Tennis Elbow (a swimmer with tennis elbow...geeeesh)
"Muscle contraction sydrome" when nothing seemed to get my back muscles to relax
Wry neck syndrome
Ohhhh my, too many others to name right now. let me hit her records..
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Lizzie J
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posted 02 February 2004 13:18
chronic psoriatic arthritis (severe)
adrenal gland infsufficiency
hormone imbalances
Mitral valve prolapse
chronic candida infection
hhv6 infection
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posted 02 February 2004 13:52
Severe Mold Allergies
Thyroid Disease
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Degenerative Disc Disease
My son (23) has:
Osgood Schlatters
Degenerative Disc Disease
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posted 02 February 2004 20:30
Severe depression
chronic fatigue
panic attacks
fears and phobias
Asperger's Syndrome-like symptoms
learning disabilities
allergies - food, drugs, etc.
leaky gut syndrome
hormonal imbalances
copper toxicity
hearing loss
suicidal thoughts
neurally mediated hypotension
muscle spasms
heart palpitations and mitral regurg w/ heart murmur
arthritis in several places
And a lot more.
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posted 02 February 2004 22:00
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yankee in black
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posted 03 February 2004 23:22
And the list goes on......
Neuro-mediated hypotension
Two leaking heart valves, mitral and triscupid
Occlussive disease of the lower extremities
Hypercolaugability of the blood
Low blood volume
Permanant case of CVID---Common variable immune defiencties
Inflammary artithis---with joint destruction(hip and pelvis)per fluid testing, + for B.B
Perpherial neuropathies
Abnormal SPECT scan, and MRI, indicative of the early stages of vascular disease
Mycoplasma infections, erlichiosis
CMV,EBV,HHV-6 reactivations thru-out *LymeLife*
Organic brain syndrome--abnormal neuro-psych evaluation, goes with the forementioed SPECT and MRI
Abnormal sleep studies--used to sleep like a *Bear in hibernation*
THE last symptom--well, I rather "enjoy" having a *BAD ATTIUTUDE", since I was raised to be such a "good girl"
This is much more *interesting*, shall we say!!!
My husband seems to *enjoy* my rather quick wit and biting sense of humor
HUMOR is all I have left to *trade on*, if you know what I mean!!!
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yankee in black
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posted 03 February 2004 23:25
Oh and I forgot,
One jumbo sized *ARS*E*
It ain't pretty
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posted 03 February 2004 23:27
Yankee-I like your humour!!You just made me laugh!!!!
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posted 04 February 2004 10:24
Mytral valve prolapse
heart murmur
osteomayalgia - (lose of bone density)
hypoparathyroidism (sp?)
chronic tonsilitis
chronic sinusitis
Bells Palsy
Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation
"arthritis" (that moves)
Left sided weakness in body
possible raynauds
herniated disc
chronic fatigue
chronic cold sores
a regular smorgasbord! (and I probably forgot something)
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Sue vG
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posted 04 February 2004 14:12
I was "just looking" and did not plan to respond until I saw rapturegirl's post.
The following problems from her list were interfering with my life and job about 8 months before the neuromuscular symptoms started that I interpreted as the onset of my lyme. I did not find a tick bite at onset time. This brings me to a recurring thought that perhaps I was harboring lyme long before I *think* it began.
chronic fatigue*
Asperger's Syndrome-like symptoms* (adult onset)
learning disabilities* (adult onset)
allergies - food, drugs, etc.*
leaky gut syndrome
hormonal imbalances* (since teens)
copper toxicity**
ADD* (adult onset)
Note to rapturegirl: I flew up to Chicago to the Pfeiffer Treatment Center for help with the single-starred items. (
They determined that I had high copper in general and a high copper-to-zinc ratio, as well as high natural histamine, which explained these symptoms. Their intensive evaluation turned up that I was also fighting an infection, though I was unaware of one.
So maybe I've had lyme for longer than I think. Interesting to see someone else with such similar cognitive symptoms.
Edited to add the symptoms that came on after I was aware that I was ill...
- overnight onset of fasciculations/twitching
- migrating muscle pains
- migrating muscle spasms and cramps
- "beestung" knees
- difficulty getting up from the floor
- left-sided weakness
- underactive thyroid and weight gain
- worsening brain fog
- loss of math and spatial processing ability
- Epstein-Barr reactivation with swollen glands
- further loss of short-term memory, noticed about 8 months prior to "onset"
- dysphagia (difficulty swallowing); gone now
- disk deterioration
- white matter on MRI
- "fractured sleep" (frequent awakening)
and on and on...
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posted 04 February 2004 14:34
Wow-look at all of the similiarities in the little extras we managed to get! Amazing...
-Graves disease (from hyperthroidism)
-a seive for a brain-sooooooo embarrassing..
-ss disability
-near inability to do math
-joint pain
The above list is just the leftovers after years of treatment and cognitive therapy!
While being treated I got:
-had auditory and visual hallucinations
-heart problems
-and tons more things I dare not dredge up!
My girls are left with:
-Raynauld's syndrome
-difficulty with school work-IQ lowered
-joint pain
Very interesting question...thanks-terter
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posted 04 February 2004 18:04
all of the above
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posted 04 February 2004 21:29
Sometimes I feel like I have Asperger's or schizophrenia. This is lessening over time.
I had some other physical stuff, but it's gone now.
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posted 02 November 2004 19:52
My list is getting longer by the month it seems.
GERD with esphogeal spasm
severe constipation
Malabsorption syndrome - just confirmed but suspected all along
Sjorgens symptoms, being investigated for syndrome
Severe neuralgia
Ovarian cysts
Chronic sinus congestion
Inflamed tonsils
Hair loss
Sleep apnea
anxiety and depression
raynaud's, not offically confirmed.
Multiple chemical senstivies
Thyroid problems
Copper, aluminum, and lead toxicity
Severe nutrional defeiency
heart murmur, 1st degree heart block
Severe myclonic jerking, that ceased after treatment.