I have no clue what Senator Kerry is thinking or doing today, or has been doing since 2 Nov 2004.
With that disclaimer, I'll offer a few comments on the 'dog catcher' allegory, and then offer my answer to the question -- "who is the one and only true 'winner' that can emerge from '6 Jan 2005'?
I think the candidate for dog catcher, in Will's allegory, might be sophisticated enough to know that if he (or anyone, ever again) is going to be 'elected' that he must do his job before he has any hope of legitimately being chosen for it.
I think the candidate for dog catcher knows that a pack of rabid dogs are on the loose and the town folk are hiding and fretting and if he doesn't catch and incarcerate those dogs the town folk are never going to be able to go to the polling place and vote without fear and cynicism.
I also think the dog catcher knows that distractions and confusion are useful because while one rabid dog runs in one direction another rabid dog is running in another direction rather than having them all focus on one victim. (the dog catcher knows what 'gambit' means)
I think some of the rabid dogs, albeit small ones are indeed running and hiding -- Feeney and Blackwell, for instance. I think a small pack of rabid dogs are howling in WA State, and they may be bringing attention to a 'bone' that one of the bigger rabid dogs might want them to bury.
I think the candidate for dog catcher knows that he's going to need a large, encompassing trap and that he's going to want the most rabid dog of the pack well inside that trap before he slams it shut. (ask yourself who's got the gavel in a certain venue on 6 Jan 2005)
And, he's going to want the whole world watching when that happens (suspect that cspan will have it's biggest viewer day in history; and the reruns; lordie, lordie!!)
Since I do have a clue how compromised the 2004 presidential election process is, I imagine that Senator Kerry and Edwards have vastly more than 'a clue.' I think they both realize that to be 'dog catcher' the way they would want the position means that they would have to know they were fairly elected.
Thus, I suspect that once the rabid dogs are caged (how ironic for those familiar with that rovianism), the 'acting' dog catcher will insist upon a re-vote rather than accept a position, albeit deserved, he knows is disgustingly invalid.
And, please note that my derivation of the allegory (consistent with all the correspondence I've sent to Senator Kerry, and others, by the way) is that NO ONE CAN BE ELECTED 'dog catcher' in the current 2004 national dog catcher election process because:
1. large numbers of citizens were systematically suppressed in their efforts to vote;
2. 30%+ of the voters have no trusted mechanism for verifying that the way the voted is how their vote was counted;
3. all kinds of acts have been committed since 2 Nov 2004 that have further compromised any 'trust' any reasonable person might have in the 'will of the voter.'
Thus, the lesson from my derivation of the allegory is -- catch the rabid dogs -- a la 'acting dog catcher'.
But, the one and only true 'winner' as a result of the challenge that begins on 6 Jan 2005 is YOU and YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS.
Senator Kerry cannot possibly "win"; he cannot assume the office of President of the United States for the very same reasons Bush must be prevented from assuming that office -- We The People have no basis in reality to consider either of them a legitimately elected President for reasons #1-3 listed above, and more.
We have no election.
I speculate that Senator Kerry and Edwards 'get it.' I speculate that they've 'gotten it' since early morning 3 Nov 2004.
But, no matter what they get, what I get and what I'm fighting for is one and only one 'winning' outcome.
"When Will Bush Get It?"