Because of the obvious theft of the 2000 election, there was unprecedented effort to prevent such from happening in this election, and there are much more details of what happened in this election than ever before, in the EIRS election incident reporting system that was compiled from the election hotline callin reports during the election process. Some analysts like myself and Richard Phillips have used this evidence to document patterns of vote machine fraud in Florida and Ohio and New Mexico. However there is a huge amount of documentation that hasn't been fully looked at on the system or used.
Lots of people should go to the www.voteprotect.org website click on research/maps click on a state; then a county and go through the EIRS report data to compile documentation of unusual or illegal things that are seen. If you do it I guarantee that you will find at a minimum evidence of lots of malfeasance. So I suggest that you pick some counties and document and compile the cases of obvious malfeasance by officials and poll workers. I noticed much such in compiling info on fraud patterns, but didn't have time to compile it. Report it on this list and to the proper authorities. I'd like to see it as would people like Arnebeck. It would help his case.