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My letter to Barbara Boxer

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thjay Donating Member (120 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 01:33 AM
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My letter to Barbara Boxer
No more procrastinating. It's time to write your Senators....

Ms. Boxer,

I hope you have taken the time to review the video of disenfranchised voters in Ohio on Nov. 2nd.

I have been following the evidence trail of probable election fraud since before election day. On the evening of Nov. 3rd I sent an email to my closest friends and family titled “stolen election.” On Nov 4th I began to search the Internet for election fraud related information. I read all about the long lines at some polling places, shortage of voting boxes, and deliberate miss information spread in predominately black neighborhoods, but none of the efforts to educate myself prepared me for the emotions I felt while watching these videos.

What has happened to our democracy?

I have voted for you more times now than I can remember. I voted for you because you represent the core values that I believe in. I voted for you because I believe that my vote counts. I voted for you because I believed that you would represent the best interests of our state and our country. I am counting on you now to prove me right. On January 6th you have the power and the duty to do what is right. Stand up for our democracy and join the members of the Black Congressional Congress in challenging the Presidential vote.


Escondido, CA
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art3 Donating Member (190 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 01:43 AM
Response to Original message
1. Here is my letter, went out to a bunch-lay it out
Dear Senator Byrd,
The serious charges leveled in Ohio over suppression of blacks at the polls and fraud is quickly gaining steam. Rep. Maxine Waters and at least 12 other house reps. are drafting a challenge to Ohio's electors for Jan 6. Waters stated so today. (see below for links)

So, members of the House will challenge, the question now really rests with you. President Bush, Karl Rove and other GOP figures have been subpoenaed to do depositions for the lawsuit in Ohio Supreme Court challenging the vote. They are mandated by Ohio law to come. If not, penalties apply. Ken Blackwell, Ohio Sec of State, has now, according to ABC News proclaimed he will answer no questions about the vote in Ohio. That's interesting, since he runs Ohio's elections. If everything was clean, then why not testify? Something rotten is going on. has done some digging, and has found conclusive documents which show large numbers of voting machines were purposefully deprived in Franklin county (possibly others in Ohio). Many machines on a list are simply marked out and were never delivered. Instead these machines sat in a warehouse while blacks stood in lines up to 12 hours. Outrageous! I’ve already sent you multiple links to investigate these matters yourself. January 6 is rapidly approaching. Bush and Rove are being subpoenaed about their actions. Blacks have been purposefully disenfranchised. Below is the link to these stories.

One last breaking note-Sen. Kerry has apparently filed a motion in federal court to ensure the voting machines and other potential instruments of fraud are preserved for further investigation. I pray, out of the love for my country and our cherished democracy that not just one senator, but dozens of senators, like yourselve, rise and challenge the validity of the vote in Ohio. One last word-a question I am now pondering that many other Democrats are asking as well: if one's own political party will not stand against the disenfranchising and defrauding of her own constituents at the polls, then does that party deserve one's vote the next time around? I say no. The right to vote is sacred. All of you have called this current president out for his many lies: the war, the Medicare bill, and other things. He has habitually deceived you members of Congress. Can we really trust, on good faith, that Bush's campaign team encouraged a fair vote? I find that laughable. I hope you will follow the path of honor. I hope, for the sake of America and for the sake of the Democratic party, that you will rise.


On Water’s Challenge:

On Kerry’s motion, the deprivation of vote machines in Franklin County, and other items:
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thjay Donating Member (120 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 01:55 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. excellent letter
thanks for sharing.

Part of me wants to believe any politician willing to listen our pleas already knows about the events of the last few weeks. Maybe I'm too naive. I'd like to think they know more about what's really going on then we do. I've never written to a Congressman or Senator before but this is just too important and too easy not to.
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bleever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 02:00 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. Artful, very well expressed. Good inspiration for the
tens of thousands of letters we'll send our senators in the next two days.

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The Doctor. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 02:02 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. They MUST be seeing this!
How do I know...

I wrote one too. (My apologies for not revealing the state - but a hint, BOTH senators are Dems.)

Here it is;

To: The Honorable Senator <blank>

From: Dr. Garth Eldritch

Dear Senator <blank>,

I am a registered Republican and I am frightened of this administration.

I am writing this to let you know how millions of thoughtful Americans and I feel about what is happening to our beloved country.

We have observed the insidious and deliberate overthrow of Democracy by this administration, the media, and their supporters.

The media, under constant scrutiny and relentless criticism for taking a ‘Liberal’ bias, has purged itself of anything remotely resembling balance over the course of the last decade.
The censure and subsequent censorship of prestigious media fixtures such as Helen Thomas and Dan Rather are indicative of this trend. The machinations by which they have been marginalized have been incessantly grinding away at the vestiges of real journalism that was once a hallmark of our great nation.
Now, owned almost entirely by right-wing supporters, the corporate media has ensured that any real news outlet will rarely present a story that casts the administration in an unfavorable light.
I have heard rare mention of the crime against the American people by conservative columnist Robert Novak who exposed an undercover CIA operative, but plenty of news about Dan Rather for using questionable documents whose content may have been legitimate.
I am saddened that I hear more ‘real’ news on comedy shows than from any major news outlet.

The Help America Vote Act has ‘helped’ put easily hacked, un-auditable, electronic voting machines made by supporters of the administration all over this country… with many more to come.

Representative John Conyers of the House Judiciary Committee has held hearings and recorded testimony whose nature is so controversial that it should shake our democracy to it’s very foundations – and yet I’ve seen NOTHING of these hearings on any news channel other than C-SPAN. Most people do not watch C-SPAN because it is not sensationalized enough to keep their interest. None of the major networks will air this astounding evidence of fraud… I am left only to speculate on why.

If you have not reviewed this testimony, I cannot urge strongly enough that you do so. The allegations of fraud have only been written off either by those who support this administration, or those who have not studied even a small fraction of these allegations.
It would seem that the fear of becoming an alarmist has overridden the will to investigate and ameliorate our election system.

The reality is that our Democracy has been hijacked by Neo-Conservatives whose agenda may be in dire conflict with the security of the American People. I have familiarized myself with the reserve currency issues and energy market forces that have driven this administration into war. Millions of Americans are aware of these issues as well.
Although I understand that many Americans have not the patience and time to educate themselves on these issues – I cannot believe that that is an excuse for a rogue political contingent to lie to us, abridge our rights, go to war under false pretenses, and rig an election to protect their agenda… all at the expense of Democracy.

The psychology of those who would do nothing can be described as willful negligence through logistical prejudice;

“They could never get away with something like that because it would be too obvious; therefore – it must not have happened.”

It is much more comfortable to convince oneself something is not happening, thereby avoiding the discomfort of both recognition and responsibility.
I cringe to think that this type of psychology pervades both our culture and our government.

If you have not studied this issue, then we all may become victims of a movement that will strip away the powers, rights, and freedoms of all who might oppose it… especially political opponents.

On January 6th, the moment of truth will arrive.
When the Electoral College vote is to be certified, a number of Representatives will contest the results from Ohio. In order to overturn that slate of electors, those representatives will need the signature of a US Senator to advance their motion.

My apologies, for I am not well versed in procedure. Unless I am mistaken, it will only take one such signature.

That one signature will become the most significant stroke in the undoing of what will otherwise become our inexorable slide into a one-party system… and the subsequent and total corruption of a great Democracy.

Should none of our most potent elected leaders stand now against this usurping of the Electoral process, there will never come another chance through the governmental process to regain the balance critical to a healthy Democracy. As the power of one party is consolidated, it will be used to strip that of the other. In this case it will be the Democratic Party who is so ravaged.
The machines which are manufactured, programmed, and tabulated on by the allies of the Neo-conservatives will proliferate across this nation and cut short the otherwise popular careers of more and more Democrats until they are effectively and permanently neutralized as a political party.

If the fear of drawing attention, or taking a risk prevents any Senator from taking action by January 6, 2005… then it is quite likely that many Democrats who are the last bastion of balance in Washington DC will face a slow and excruciating descent out of the political arena. While I pray I am wrong, I know that millions of Americans cannot afford such a risk.
After January 6th, any aspirations a Democratic candidate might have will be dashed should no one stand against this. Those who remain will be nothing more than proverbial lightning rods to hold a constituency and keep any other party from becoming a contender. None of those who remain will be able to acquire any office of greater consequence for it will have become impossible to legislate fair elections against the majority in power.

Should even one Senator stand against this injustice, they will find support among many millions of Americans.
At that point, the news media will have no choice but to take notice. Such notice can ONLY shed light on and harm those who have committed fraud, for as the subject is brought to light – the evidence will be as well.

There is such damning evidence in support of fraud at this point – if you have not studied it, I again must strongly, vehemently ask that you contact Rep. John Conyers and request information.
I will also be obliged to assist in any way I can.

Please urge your colleagues to engage in collective action to address this critical issue.
What the American People need now is a hero to stand against this descent into what can legitimately be described as Totalitarian rule by one party.
The choice, therefore, is to stand for a brilliant assault on this injustice – to lead a charge whose consequence is the preservation of Democracy, or to quietly accept the role of a subordinate until no longer needed.

Millions of Americans recognize what is happening to our country and are on their knees praying for just one Senator to stand and fight for us.

You will not stand alone.

With utmost Sincerity,

-Dr. Garth Eldritch

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The Doctor. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 02:06 AM
Response to Reply #1
6. That is beautifully direct.
I am most impressed.

It is rare to see such a compelling, factual, and identifying correspondence. That may be too rare.

I'm happy to have seen it.

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hangloose Donating Member (554 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 01:56 AM
Response to Original message
3. Thank you for your effort it will make a difference!
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